Ryan Reynolds, aka Deadpool, recently revealed that he might play Deadpool in an upcoming MCU project before his next solo arrives.

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Ryan Reynolds is seemed to be ready to bring his character Deadpool live into a Marvel Cinematic Universe project, even if it happens before Deadpool 3.

Reynolds recently opened up about his experiences of bringing the ‘Merc With a Mouth’ to life. He also mentioned his experiences regarding playing opposite to MCU’s Korg in an advertisement for Free Guy. He said: “I did love the idea of playing with Deadpool and Korg in some of the marketing materials given the fact that Taika [Waititi] and I are in the movie. So, I kinda got to scratch the itch, inevitably anyway.”

Despite a major delay in 2019, Deadpool 3 is significantly moving forward, with Lizzie Molyneaux-Loeglin and Wendy Molyneaux penning its script. In the meantime, Kevin Feige, the Chief Creative Officer and President of the Marvel Studios, confirmed that the upcoming MCU project will keep the R-Rating of the first two Deadpool movies. Even Raynolds mentioned that he is open to playing Wade Wilson in the MCU first.

He further mentioned that: “I think both are pretty warranted,” Reynolds said. “I think you’re always gonna zig when everybody’s expecting you to zag when it comes to that character. As long as Disney’s open to doing some pretty wildly divergent or having some wildly divergent uses of Deadpool, then I dig it, man. I think it’s all great.”

When Marvel Studios was writing the scripts, they had nine MCU projects and their respective release dates. It included sequels centered on Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Thor, The Citizens of Wakanda, Wasp, and other superheroes associated with the Marvel mantle. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to be rebooting the Blade, Fantastic Four, and X-Men movies, Deadpool 3 is most likely to appear by the second half of the year 2023.

On a lighter note, it would be really intriguing to figure out whether MCU will keep Deadpool with X-Men’s core team or keep the MCU mutants separate. It had happened in the past when Fox kept Deadpool in the same space as X-Men without crossing over Wilson’s 2009 release X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This even provided a foundation for the evergreen jokes that are still ongoing in the Deadpool films. It cumulated right with X-Men’s cameo in brief of Deadpool 2 and the recycling of X-Men: Origins footages during the post-credit scenes.

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