Leaked images of a new dev kit have revealed the PlayStation 5 controller, the DualShock 5.The controller looks the same as it did in the previous dev kits and is similar looking to the PlayStation 4 controller. But the gaming audience noticed the visibly bigger DualShock 5. This means that the controller will be a bit heavier than its ancestors. One of the many criticisms which DualShock 4 received was that it was to light. Speaking otherwise, there is a chance that Sony Interactive may have been involved during the final touches of the controller.

Who leaked the images?

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Source: Google Images

The new images have been leaked by a developer who probably has been given a dev kit by Sony already. Probably! As the news goes, Sony has sent out dev kits to developers months ago. Leaked images have been surfacing on the internet for a while now and hence it is not a surprise that the dev kit and the controller have been leaked again. The console is pretty clearly visible in the pictures but the controller is not.

Leaked images = Final products?

None of the DualShock 5 or PlayStation VR patents might happen. Pic courtesy: ps5playstation5.com
Source: Google Images

The final products are not completely similar to the dev kits. There is a big chance that the new console when released might be completely different. However, the same does not apply to the controllers. There may be slight changes to the DualShock 5 but the basic framework is the one that has been leaked.

The official pictures have not yet been released but they are due early next month. The official images of both PlayStation 5 and DualShock 5 are   yet to surface. PlayStation 5 is scheduled to release during the holidays this year.

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