Doctor Strange 2: The film Will Settle a Major Wanda Debate
Co-producer of Doctor Strange 2, Richie Palmer has just teased that the much-anticipated movie will finally settle the whole debate about whether Wanda is more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, something that has already been suggested in the finale of WandaVision on Disney+.
Who is more powerful – Strange or Wanda?
“I don’t know who’s more powerful than Wanda,” Palmer revealed during an interview with Empire. “Meeting the Wanda Maximoff at the end of [Avengers: Endgame] would have been a lot for Strange. Who comes out on top as the most powerful being in the universe? Maybe we find out at the end of the movie.”
In the Multiverse of Madness, Richie Palmer Opens Up!

Palmer later talked more about what madness actually meant, adding, “Madness has many different definitions. It’s maddening for Doctor Strange to have to watch the love of his life marry someone else. And it’s maddening for Wanda to have been told, ‘There’s a book, and there’s a chapter about you in that book you should read, and secrets you don’t know about yourself.'” Palmer had previously discussed the meaning of the Multiverse of Madness portion of the film’s title, saying that the production team “[honors] each definition of the word ‘madness’ in this movie.”
As for Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff herself, Elizabeth Olsen went on to add that she “really was excited to do act and dialogue alongside Benedict Cumberbatch” and Olsen “really enjoyed [their] constant conversation, of analysis and trying to understand where both characters are coming from.” Before this, Olsen had stated that Multiverse of Madness would not make much sense without one has seen WandaVision, adding, “I do feel like it fully leads into where we find [Scarlet Witch]. It feels totally connected to the series.”
Sam Raimi IS BACKKK!!

Apart from answering if Doctor Strange or Scarlet Witch is more powerful, Multiverse of Madness has been rated as the first scary Marvel film, which was a tone that writer Michael Waldron revealed was increased with some help from the COVID pandemic. “COVID just gave me and [director Sam Raimi] more time to make it our own thing,” Waldron revealed. “It’s cool, I’m glad that there was the chance to maybe push it in a slightly scarier direction, just because Sam does that so well.”
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, directed by Spider-Man (2002-2007) director Sam Raimi, will release on May 6.