It seems like things are ramping up for Dragon Ball Super. After a long period of what-ifs, a new report has come out by several anime insiders pointing the awaited comeback of the much loved Anime Series.

Dragon Ball Super Anime Set To Retun-News Report!

The first report went up yesterday by a set of well-known anime personalities. The news was first shared by Geekdom101 before Yonkou Production hit up Twitter to back up the report.

“You heard it here first. The Dragon Ball Super ANIME RETURNS to television,” Geekdom101 wrote.

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According to the report, Dragon Ball Super’s return is estimated to go down in July 2019. There is no official word from Toei Animation or Shueisha on this topic.

Geekdom101 reports “more info [will be] coming in a few weeks”.

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Yonkou Productions also hit up fans reiterating details about the project. The insider said he can say Dragon Ball Super will be coming back and that its return has been in the works for some time now.

Yonkou wrote:

“[Naohiro] Shintani is still the character designer. It’s been in production since last year and they’re working on the key animation currently.”

This report will come as a surprise to some as a note from Japan shed doubt on the show’s return. When Dragon Ball Super went off the air, it was replaced by the returning season of Kitaro. After that, this anime series was renewed for a second season. Now, reports have surfaced suggesting season two will be moving to a new timeslot, giving the famous anime series room to resume its old haunt for audiences.

We at Animated Times will keep you updated as confirmations or denials about this series’ return are made public.

Do you think this report is accurate? Let me know in the comments below!


(Source: Comicbook)


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