• Despite Sandra Bullock's illustrious career, she struggled to get funds for Bird Box to be released in theatres.
  • Netflix came to the rescue and offered to stream the movie on the platform.
  • This further highlights the disparity with which the industry views projects led by women and hesitate to bet on them.

Despite female actors pulling their weight and bringing in a wider fandom, sometimes greater than most other actors, they are struggling to get the recognition they so rightly deserve. Even today, female-led movies find it hard to get the proper funds and channels to reach wider audiences. An actress as beloved and well-established as Sandra Bullock suffered a blow because of this, so we can’t even imagine the impact on other up-and-coming actresses.

A film with a mighty hero with six-pack abs and a broody attitude has more takers than a solemn yet impactful story led by female stars. The disparity is becoming increasingly evident.

Sandra Bullock’s Bird Box was meant for Theatres

Sandra Bullock in Bird Box.
Sandra Bullock in Bird Box | Credits: Netflix

Bird Box is a brave story about a mother who undertakes a treacherous journey only to keep her kids safe. With blindfolds for eyes, they enter uncharted territory that threatens to leave them lifeless at any given second. The exceptional story was meant to be enjoyed on the big screen. Rightly so, the thrill and suspense of the movie would be heightened had viewers experienced it in theatres.

However, actress Sandra Bullock told The New York Times how hard it was for them to get funds to make the movie in the first place. She said,

“Bird Box” originally was at Universal with Scott Stuber producing, and it was intended for theaters, but we couldn’t get the financing that we needed to pull it off. Scott had just been wooed by Netflix, and he said, “Would you consider doing it over here? We can make the film we want to make.” I was really intrigued by it because, as a woman, we are limited in what our choices are, but then you go to Netflix and they’re like, “We’ll give you whatever you need.”

A still from Bird Box | Credits: Netflix
A still from Bird Box | Credits: Netflix

Thankfully, Netflix came to the rescue and gave fans an unforgettable story that would leave a lasting impact. Bullock has been in the industry for decades and has a long list of successful projects to her credit. Still, studios were hesitant to bet on her. Why? Because she is an actress. The industry as a whole needs to change its perspective towards female actors since many emerging talents like Sydney Sweeney and Florence Pugh among others are equally capable, if not more, to bring in wider audiences.

Bird Box excelled because of Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne Tuohy
Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side | Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

Thanks to the relentless efforts and dedication of Bullock, Bird Box became a reality. The critics appreciated the film especially because of the actress’s skill that enhanced the already exceptional storyline. Like a true heroine, Bullock’s character fends off the evil entities and protects her kids to the best of her abilities.

The numbers speak for themselves as the movie broke records within 28 days of being released on the platform as the most-watched film on Netflix, with 282.02 million hours being viewed. The tilted narrative in the industry needs to find its center soon and let women lead entire franchises, not just movies. Actresses are gaining momentum in a steady fan following as they appeal to the audience in various aspects.

Bird Box is streaming on Netflix.

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