Expiry dates for Disney Plus movies…!
Disney Plus has been launched recently on this weeks Tuesday. All the Disney fans are pumped up and happy about the release of a new Disney+. In fact, everyone can watch their fav tv shows and movies anytime anywhere now. Moreover, all the fans are completely into Disney Plus. They are obsessed and creating a major buzz about it.

Disney+ Everywhere:

Fans are completely obsessed with Disney Plus release. we see everyone and everywhere people discussing it. Fans are all binge-watching the. In fact, we can observe that everyone are keeping an close eye on every moment of it.
Stich Kingdom:
As mentioned while close observations one such a famous twitter account user named the Stich Kingdom observed something. the user is actually an eagle eye user. He for everyone’s astonishment observed that Disney movies have expiry in Disney Plus. Not all the movies but some of them have the expiry dates. In fact, while going through the current file status many shows and some movies have any expiry date. Most of the shows and movies on service have 2020 to 2021 as their expiry dates. Moreover, with more deeper research the Stich Kingdom found out that some movies have any expiry date mentioned or uploaded as 25th November 2019. The movies in the list of the expiry date of 25th November 2019 are The Princess and the frog, etc.
As a result to this revelation, all the fans are surprised and in a shock. everyone are expressing their point of view on it. Fans don’t want this to be happening and expressing themselves.
Not a rotating-slate:

Recently when the spokesperson of Disney Plus was interviewed, they clearly mentioned that Disney Plus is never meant to be a rotating slate. They clearly stated that licensed movies won’t be going through repeated rotating slates in Disney+. All the classic movies like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Cinderella, The Jungle Book, and The Lion King are streaming from the day one on Disney+ will not have a permanent spot on it.
Source: Comic Book.