Hollywood is nothing without its many controversies. But these celebs up the ante. They are so controversial and hated even their own fans want them to get out of show business.

James Charles

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James Charles

Charles shot to fame after his make-up tutorials went mega-viral. At the height of his career, the celeb enjoyed more than 25 Million YouTube subscribers. But Charles is known to be a pretty racist person. Backlash came after James Charles’ insensitive tweets on Africa and the Ebola Virus. The guy is also known to be pretty rude to celebs and passes overt sexual comments in social media. James Charles has an army of online trolls who are ready to tear him apart because the person is just that despicable.

Chris Brown

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Chris Brown

People always deserve second chances. That is something we fervently believe in. But Chris Brown made it to the list not because he got a second chance but how quickly he got it. In an era where even a false allegation could ruin a mega-star like Johnny Depp‘s career, Brown was accepted into the music industry very quickly despite being found guilty of domestic abuse. fans call him a stain on the music industry because he represents the darkest side of show business.

Mama June

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Mama June

The matriarch of the infamous Shannon Family, Mama June’s history of substance abuse makes her the object of hartred for viewers all over America. She has been charged with multiple felonies but escapes every time because her legions of fans and followers bail her out with a barrage of online support. One of her most dastardly acts was when the Here Comes The Honey Boo star rekindled the relationship with a man who had been found guilty of molesting one of her daughters. TLC cancelled her show later, ending any chances of the Shannon Family earning any more royalties.

The Entire Cast Of Teen Mom

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Teen Mom

Teenage pregnancy is one of the worst curses that could ever be cast upon a person. But the fact that the MTV show Teen Mom tried romanticizing this phenomenon is even more despicable. The show tried its best to make us think that teenage pregnancy is beautiful all the while hiding the fact that the show is literally based on the concept of minors having intercourse. The entire Teen Mom cast deserves to be cornered into the depths of obscurity.

Jenny McCarthy

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Jenny McCarthy

The Two & A Half Men actor was once the bombshell of the TV industry. Now she is the face of the controversial anti-vaxxer movement. She is also a firm believer in quack theory remedies. McCarthy claims that Chelation Therapy cured her son of autism, which has since been found to be false. She also claims that vaccines cause autism, another claim that has been found to be grossly scientifically inaccurate. McCarthy keeps hitting all the right buttons with the fans who keep trolling her even more.

Jake & Logan Paul

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Paul Brothers

There is probably no celebrity that came from social media and into show business that is as hated as the Paul Sibling duo. Logan Paul is a known liar. Fans are very acquainted with the fact that he is infamous for making tall tales and promises he can never keep. His brother Jake Paul is not that far behind. The Paul brothers’ foray into boxing was much publicized but ended up making them even more hated. Logan Paul once visited the Aokigahara Suicide Forest in Japan and filmed actual dead bodies hanging from trees. The Paul brothers would do anything for a couple of likes.

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