Looks like the Snyder cult err…we mean the Synder cut fans have made themselves known to another director now. Josh Trank, director of Fantastic Four is the latest man behind the camera to address them. He has come forth to suggest a team up with Zack Snyder.

Charting The Similarities Between The Two Directors

Zack Snyder's Justice League Snyder Cut has been demanded for a long time. Pic courtesy: flickeringmyth.com
Zack Snyder’s Justice League Snyder Cut has been demanded for a long time. Pic courtesy: flickeringmyth.com

It has been almost two years since Warner Bros and DC’s superhero movie Justice League was released. The movie was both a box office and critical dud. Many fans attributed the failure to the contrasting visions of Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon. But right from its release, Snyder fans have been relentlessly pushing the Release The Snyder Cut campaign. This movement demands that Warner Bros. release the original cut of the movie with Junkie XL’s musical score. He was actually the original composer before Danny Elfman stepped in. But there has been no indication that the Studio is playing any heed to the cause.

Meanwhile, Fantastic Four certainly doesn’t have a similar campaign going for it. But the 2015 movie could actually have a never-before-seen director’s cut. This was implied as well by Trank and backed up by Doctor Doom actor Toby Kebbel in 2016.

Josh Trank And Zack Snyder Team Up Double Cut

There is no similarity between the Fantastic Four And Justice League movies apart from both being superhero films.
There is no similarity between the Fantastic Four And Justice League movies apart from both being superhero films.

Josh Trank is now suggesting that his cut of Fantastic Four along with Zack Snyder’s Justice League be released for a double feature. But one should know that apart from both being superhero movies, there is nothing else similar between them. This statement from Trank has understandably confused many fans.

But Trank seems to be revisiting that idea of a Fantastic Four release with a recent tweet. He could have been trolling fans with a potential Justice League Snyder Cut and his version of Fantastic Four. In a social media post, the filmmaker says to “Lure everyone to a massive theatre” and play the said iterations of the movies back-to-back. You can check out his tweet below:

Most of the fans in the comment section are indulging Trank with their responses but it’s clearly meant to be seen as a joke.

No one is sure what prompted Trank’s recent social media post. He’s largely stayed away from talking about his critically panned Fantastic Four movie. Moreover, he has even poked fun at it before so there’s no reason why this tweet was made. Of course, maybe Trank just wanted to have fun at the impossibility of the respective movie cuts being released and teased fans a little.

Check out more about the Snyder cut below:

(Source: screenrant.com and comicbook.com)

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