On Arrow, Roy Harper and William Clayton learned more about the life and death of William’s adoptive mother, Felicity Smoak.

During a recent episode, Roy and William met up with a pair of Black Canaries, who informed William of Felicity’s death while he was away from Star City.

It was revealed that Felicity went rogue and became the villain Calculator and got herself too much with her criminal cohorts. While this does sound like a hard pill to swallow, as nobody seems to be ready to believe that Felicity is actually no more.

“I actually really can’t answer that — like, I don’t know the answer,” Juliana Harkavy told reporters last week on set when asked if she believed Felicity was actually dead. “But, I think Felicity has set a path in just the work that she’s done, so that leaves a lot of room for us to explore where she’s gone on that path.”

William and Roy had been following the same path, uncovering many clues attacked to booby traps that lead them from one point to another.

The story reminds us of “Acher’s Quest” from the comics where Oliver after returning from the dead, has to gather a number of artefacts from his whole life.

In Arrow’s future, Star City will get walled off from the world and will be ruled by criminals during No Man’s Land. Some vigilantes still function here and this might also explain why Roy Harper got driven away from the city after his breakup with Thea Queen, and why he pledged never to go back. It seems like Felicity’s dirty dealings led to a showdown within her building as Smoak Tech was ransacked when Team William got there.

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