It’s no secret that math teachers have one of the most challenging and under-appreciated jobs in the world.

They do work hard to make learning math a meaningful and engaging experience for all of their students, despite the weight of constantly changing curriculums,  standardized exams, damaging misconceptions, and limited recognition for just how important their job actually is.

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On their worst days they even witness students who outsmart them and that’s the trigger point for them to go ballistic. This Meme explains it all!

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We all have agreed by now that 2020 was off to a terrible start. In January, the whole world watched as the bushfires raged across Australia, burning millions of hectares of land and killing an estimated one billion animals. Later, as we know we were all locked up at our homes by the coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed the lives of the people. Now, almost ending through the year, people are wondering what will happen next and their spirits couldn’t be lower. Saddened by having to put off many of their plans, goals, and resolutions for better days, there is only one thing that can make all of us feel better—blessed to take time for ourselves and for our dear ones.

The Office Pizza By Alfredo1
2020 has been quite disappointing till now for most of us and nothing’s working out as per made up plans. This year was supposed to tick ‘go to Goa with BFFs’ off the bucket list for some, but all they could do was cooking inedible food and end up doing repeated chores round the clock! And like them, there are many who had planned great things for this year, including us. But sadly, the fact remains that we can’t really do much about it apart from staying safe an following a hygienic lifestyle. So, it’s better that we laugh our sorrows away.

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To all those people who were asked interview questions or just randomly ask any thing, they couldn’t work through and ended up completely deviating  in response that was asked. It could be funny at times as well as frustrating because we waste tour time listening and getting nowhere out of the question asked especially in interview. This hilarious meme is exclusively seen in the office episodes of Michael Scott talking to his employees or to the co-operates.

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No matter how well prepared you might be before the exam, nobody likes taking an exam. It’s a scary, terrifying experience. More so, if you’ve relied solely on guide books and incomplete notes to help you clear the semester/term. Examination is one fear that binds students all across the world. It gets much worse when you fail to understand the question and accept the fail already.

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Did you wake up today feeling like you just want to stay in bed? Do you sometimes feel like you can’t handle life and need a 5-minute break from everything?

Don’t worry. It’s normal. Sometimes or oftentimes, things just get a bit too much and you need to take a break deserved or not, rejuvenate with some sugar and laughs, and get back in the game again.

It’s perfectly ok!

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