Game of Thrones | Season 8 Episode 6 | Preview (HBO)

‘The Iron Throne’

The finale episode of  The Game of Thrones, ‘The Iron Throne’  was one of the most popular episodes released till date. The episode had such a huge fan following that it literally crashed the HBO and HBO Go website due to extremely heavy traffic. Fans have always shown their immense love towards the show.

Unexpected Coffee cups in the fourth episode

But some of the elements of the show went viral all over the social media, not for the script but something very weird and unnatural. During the broadcast of the fourth episode of the final season, people saw unexpected coffee cups lying in between the ancient scenes.

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Game of Thrones was badly trolled by fans for these silly little errors. When the news of those ‘Starbucks’ coffee cup reached the viewers it was accepted by a lot of twitter tweets and memes. A little later, during the forecast of the final episode fans noticed some unexpected modern day water bottles stationed in between the shooting. Which further rose their aggression.

Are you trying to tell me the 3 eyed raven didn’t see this shit coming? All hail Bran the Broken, first of his name, ruler of 6 of the 7 realms, 3 eyes, 2 wheels and 1 water bottle. May his reign be long and recyclable. #GameOfThrones #BranStark


Sure, there’s a water bottle. But why aren’t more people asking the real question: is that Howland Reed, and if so, what the fuck? #GameofThrones


Proof that the quality of this show has gone down. First Starbucks, now a water bottle. Worst ending for the best show. #GoT #DemThrones


Sophie Turner in the ‘The Tonight show’, denied being envolved in any of the ‘coffee cup controversy’. After blaming her co-star she said, ““For all of you guys that watch Game of Thrones, and this is a spoiler for a couple of episodes ago, this girl dies! This is from the episode after she dies. So why am I holding this coffee cup? That’s in a different scene. And also, we all have the same cups for all of our water and tea, and everything, so I’m gonna just go with… I mean, look who it’s placed in front of. Emilia Clarke! She’s the culprit!’

Do let us know what was your reaction on it?

Sources:  Vox, Comicbook.


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