It still is a matter of hours until Game of Thrones officially comes to an end, and it looks like the Internet is already planning accordingly to it. While quite a lot is still unknown about the final episode of Game Of Thrones- even down to its title – an ever-growing number of fans are confident that the finale episode will probably “break the Internet”.

Game of Thrones Series Finale First Look Photos Revealed by HBO
Game of Thrones Series Finale First Look Photos Revealed by HBO

Remake the season

Given the response to the final batch of episodes thus far, this definitely doesn’t feel impossible, as both the good and the bad of the season has courted quite a lot of attention online. The reaction to the most recent episode, “The Bells”, has brought that to a fever-pitch, with a petition to “remake” the season courting over a million signatures.

Game of Thrones | Season 8 Episode 6 | Preview (HBO)

So, if you’re among those who are anticipating (or dreading) the discourse that’s to come, you aren’t alone. Here are a few tweets emotionally preparing for the Game of Thrones final episode — and the reaction to it online on Twitter.

Also Read: Game of Thrones: For the Lannisters, ‘Nothing Else Matters’

Few tweets which show that the audience can’t hold their seats for today’s episode

Get ready



It could happen

This is fine

Just a warning

Good point

A bit of dread


Source: comicbook, Hiptoro

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