• One of Dragon Ball DAIMA's ill-executed storylines has forever killed the appeal of a great character.
  • The overused trope of an ally turning out to be a double agent should be stopped using at this point.
  • Glorio acting as a double agent and being confused about his loyalties was a pain to watch because of its sloppy execution.

Dragon Ball DAIMA successfully re-ignited the passion that the audience had for the Dragon Ball series by introducing and exploring the fascinating Demon Realm. While the story at large did a fantastic job of delivering a great anime, there are a few plots that fans felt could have been done in a better way, or dropped altogether.

Dragon Ball DAIMA - Goku using Super Saiyan 4 once he is turned back into an adult.
Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 Form from Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20 | Credits: TOEI Animation

One such storyline that blatantly stands out for being the worst in the entire Dragon Ball DAIMA series, is the plot of Glorio acting as a double agent, serving Dr. Arinsu in secret.

Glorio’s secret allegiance

Glorio from Dragon Ball DAIMA getting ready to attack
Glorio from Dragon Ball DAIMA | Credits: TOEI Animation

Introduced in Dragon Ball DAIMA‘s second episode titled “Glorio”, as a mysterious resident of the Demon Realm, he drew Nahare’s suspicion because he didn’t reveal the name of his employer, or how he would benefit from defeating King Gomah.

Later in the season during Episode 6 titled “Lightning”, it is revealed that Glorio is secretly serving Dr. Arinsu, and is collecting the Dragon Balls for her. While the makers of Dragon Ball DAIMA might have planned for this reveal to be shocking, fans remarked that they had seen this coming from a mile away and that this move killed off his appeal.

What is going on with Glorio?
byu/Alert_Syllabub_6841 inDragonBallDaima

While anyone would have expected him to stay loyal to Dr. Arinsu because of what he owed her from the time she had saved him, he instead chose to side with Goku and his friends, despite having betrayed them just a few seconds ago.

This, rather than deepening his character or giving us a better view into his workings, only served to confuse us further.

Why the Double Agent plot failed to work

Glorio getting ready to shoot
Glorio getting ready to shoot from Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 5 | Credits: TOEI Animation

The double agent storyline that the makers of Dragon Ball DAIMA had planned for Glorio is an example of a plot device that is hated because of being told too much. The trope of a double agent traveling with the gang and betraying them when they least expect it used to be an amazing twist earlier.

But these days the trope is overused, hated, and not taken seriously. It can only work if it offers something fresh, but the makers of Dragon Ball DAIMA did not do that. Instead, they chose to use Glorio as a means to forward the plot and conclude the series.

What is shocking is that Glorio himself seems to be confused about where his loyalties lie. He betrays the Z-Fighters in Episode 18 of the show, titled “Awakening” by stealing the dragon balls from them.

He hands them over to Dr. Arinsu, and then promptly betrays her in the very next episode by helping the Z-Fighters by wishing for them to return to being adults, despite his indebtedness to her.

Dr. Arinsu talking to King Gomah and Degesu from Episode 1
Dr. Arinsu from Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 1 | Credits: TOEI Animation

What is worse is that this betrayal towards Arinsu does not even attract any consequences. Instead of killing him or harming him, Arinsu just fires him from his job. If you wanted him to be a double agent, then maybe you should have stuck with that.

In conclusion, while Dragon Ball DAIMA did a fantastic job by finally acknowledging and exploring the Demon Realm, it would not have been affected in the least if the storyline of Glorio being a double agent was removed.

Dragon Ball DAIMA is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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