Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Adam Warlock Powers & Origins Explained
Adam Warlock, the newest MCU member that we’ll see in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a complex character. So, we have broken down his origins, powers, and abilities for you. The news broke out quickly about the casting of Adam Warlock in the upcoming movie. Well, it’s all because of James Gunn who decided to verify the news and welcome Will Poulter into the MCU family. So, before the Golden Gladiator makes his MCU debut, let’s know more about his origins and powers. Check it out!
Adam Warlock’s Origins In The Marvel Comics

Before getting his final identity, he made his debut in a Fantastic Four comic known as Him. He was forged by a group of evil scientists called the Enclave. However, he breaks out of his cocoon and forges his own path. During this, he decides Lady Sif be his mate which leads to his near-death experience at the hands of Thor. Following this, he spends some time understanding himself better.

He then meets the High Evolutionary, who gifted him the Soul Stone and named him Warlock. He goes on a bunch of adventures and befriends a group of children who teaches him about morality and humanity. He also didn’t know how to control the Soul Stone. After defeating the Man-Beast, Warlock moved on to the next chapter of his life and began his most famous rivalry with Thanos.

After all this, he joins the Avengers with the original Captain Marvel and sacrifices himself. But he finds a new life in the Soul Stone pocket dimension called Soulworld. But once again, this wasn’t the end of Adam Warlock. Many years later, Marvel decided to bring him back via a grand entry. He became the protagonist in a number of Thanos stories including Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Crusade, and Infinity War. It was him who led the heroes to victory, and in the aftermath, he formed the Infinity Watch to protect the Stones.
Powers & Abilities

Adam Warlock is a force you do not to mess with. With time, he was able to possess the ability to endure a prolonged battle with someone like Thor. However, he doesn’t possess physical strength like Thor or Hulk, but he surely knows how to make up for it. Warlock can use cosmic forces to enhance his strength, fly, project blasts of energy from his hand, and can even regenerate from injuries. Throughout his history, he has only evolved into someone any Marvel villain would fear. He also possesses abilities such as teleportation, transmutation, and Quantum Magic.
Adam Warlock In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.

So, what can you expect from Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? Well, the first thing right off the bat is that he will avenge Ayega and take on the Guardians. Then, dating back to the comics, it’s possible that he will start questioning his existence which will provoke him to pave his own way and leave his creators behind. Are you excited to see him in the MCU? Let us know!