Most MCU liked the character of Yelena Belova in this year’s Black Widow which also marked the MCU debut for Florence Pugh. Now, fans will see her reprising the role in the forthcoming series on Disney+, Hawkeye after the post-credits scene from Black Widow saw Yelena going for Clint Barton (played by Jeremy Renner), thanks to Natasha’s death in Endgame. This is going to place her in the same orbit as Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop and while we still don’t know much about how things might pan out with Yelena’s inclusion in Hawkeye, Hailee had a lot of praises for Florence Pugh and also, her experience of working with her.

Hailee Steinfeld and Florence Pugh Will Be Seen Together In Hawkeye

Hailee Steinfeld and Florence Pugh in Hawkeye
Hailee Steinfeld and Florence Pugh in Hawkeye

While talking to Cosmopolitan, Steinfeld revealed that she knew she’d get along with Pugh right away as they seemed to have the same energy. She even went on to state that working with Pugh was a remarkable experience.

“Oh, one hundred percent. I honestly felt that right away. And I hope to god she’d say the same thing. Jeez. Now that I say it, I’m like, ‘I knew right from the start!’ And what if she was like, ‘This girl?’ No, I think we just had similar energy,” Steinfeld said. “We had a moment together where we were shooting and something went wrong. There was no recovering from it. I started laughing so hard that somebody thought I was crying-I don’t know what that says about my laugh-and I just remember a flood of people rushing in and being like, ‘Is everyone okay?’ And I’m literally facedown on the ground, just hysterically laughing. Mind you, we were in a scene that was in no way, shape, or form meant to be at all funny. We really did have a wonderful time together.”

It’s quite evident that the pair had quite some time on the sets of Hawkeye, the storyline for Pugh’s Yelena doesn’t seem to be a lot of fun. Hawkeye director Rhys Thomas has earlier teased that the first meeting between Barton and Yelena will be slightly complex.

Hawkeye Debuts On November 24th On Disney+


“I can’t speak to that,” Thomas said. “But yes, we know their past, and obviously what happened in Endgame. We know in these first two episodes that Clint’s dealing with the fallout of that. But in terms of how they meet, I can’t – I’ll just pretend I don’t know. Imagine it’s a happy meeting, where they talk over coffee and work things out.”

Hawkeye shall debut with a two-episode premiere on November 24th, Wednesday, only on the Disney+ network.

Watch the trailer below:


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