Harry Potter Characters Rethought As Pokémon Trainers
The universes of Harry Potter and Pokémon are not really far from each other. Both of the franchise feature competent capable youngsters dominating mastering magical and dangerous arts to turn into the best forms of themselves. Lushie a Digital artist has gone the additional way in her Pottermon series and envisioned the Wizarding World getting over into the Pokémon universe, making works that portray your number one Hogwarts characters as Pokémon trainers.
From Harry and companions to Lord Voldemort, this capable artist’s manifestations give us a world that joins two of our number one things in one amazing bundle.
You can check out more of this amazing artist’s work at Lushies-Art Deviant Art page.
1. Draco – Ekans representing Slytherin, Krabby as Crabbe, Golem as Goyle

2. Harry – Pikachu for Harry’s lightning scar, Noctowl as Hedwig, Sawsbuck representing his Patronus and father, Arbok representing his ability to speak Parsletongue and connection to Slytherin

3. Peter Pettigrew – Alolan Raticate as his animagus.

4. Severus Snape – Seviper for his ties to Slytherin, Voldemort and his Dark Mark, Nosepass because nose, Deerling for Lily.

5. Voldemort – Shiny Rayquaza as his closest companion Nagini.

6. Neville – Froakie as Trevor, Maractus for the Mimbulus Mimbletonia , Pyroar because his bravery, Shiny Honedge as the Sword of Godric Gryffindor.

7. Lily – Deerling her patronus, Luvdisc symbol of Lily’s everlasting love for Harry, Gossifleur representing her flowery name.

8. Ginny – Furret as Ginny is a part of the Weasley family, Shiny Woobat because Ginny can cast an excellent Bat Bogey Hex, Rapidash her Patronus.

9. Hermione Granger – Alakazam, representing her intelligence, Buizel as her Patronus, Espeon as her feline friend Crookshanks, Bidoof because early in the books she is described as having bushy hair and big front teeth.

10. James Potter – Xerneas as his animagus form.

11. Fred And George Weasley – Plusle and Minun set of pair pokemon, Ditto because they’re identical , Charizard in the form of fireworks, as the dragon had chased Umbridge.

12. Hagrid -Shiny Charizard because Hagrid loves dragons, Ariados as Aragog, Snubbull as a nod to Fang.

13. Minerva McGonagall – Eevee, Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon because Eevee and its evolutions have been associated with cats and also because McGonagall specializes in turning things into different things.

14. Lupin – Lycanroc as Lupin’s werewolf side.

15. Sirius! – Mightyena as his animagus form.

16. Luna – Lunatone as it represents her name, Buneary her Patronus, Jigglypuff and Clefairy because it suits Luna’s personality.

17. Dumbeldoor – Moltres as Fawkes.

18. Ron! – Furret, for his family name, Rowlet as Pigwidgeon, Ratatta as Scabbers.