One of the most underserved characters in the MCU is definitely The Hulk. He has always remained in the background, never being a lead himself (even though his story could make or multiple movies). But maybe this can work in favour of Hulk with some of the younger heroes coming in. 

Hulk’s MCU Journey

Hulk transformed from a rage machine to the smart professor Hulk in Endgame. Pic courtesy:
Hulk transformed from a rage machine to the smart professor Hulk in Endgame. Pic courtesy:

From when he first entered the MCU with the first Avengers movie, to Avengers: Endgame;  The Hulk has undergone a lot of changes. He has appeared in seven MCU movies in total. This includes Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War, after excluding the two above movies.

He has shown remarkable growth as a character even though he never got a movie of his own. In the course of his time in the MCU, Hulk has experienced being both an earthbound character and heading out to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s cosmos alike. Also, with the introduction of Professor Hulk in Avengers: Endgame, maybe it’s time for Hulk to change gears from being a rage machine to someone who is smart and has brains.

Mark Ruffalo Wants To See Hulk Being A Mentor


Lots of young ones, like Ms Marvel and She-Hulk are coming in the MCU. Pic courtesy:
Lots of young ones, like Ms Marvel and She-Hulk are coming in the MCU. Pic courtesy:

There are a lot of theories going around in regards to Hulk’s future. But when Mark Ruffalo was asked if there’s more Hulk coming in future MCU movies, he replied affirmatively. He was with Kevin Feige and was hesitant to say more with his boss looming over him. But when asked to elaborate what he wanted to see in the future for his character, he said that:

“I’d like to see him hang out with some of the new folks, you know? Maybe be like a guru to some of the younger ones.”

Even Kevin Feige said that the above was a good idea. Also, there are plenty of “younger ones” in the pipeline. Marvel Studios recently got Spider-Man back into their mix. Apart from him there are other characters like Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk who are entering the MCU. We would certainly love to see Hulk guide the younger heroes.

But, the ever looming question is if Hulk will ever get a solo movie and Mark Ruffalo is here to answer that question. Just check out this interview below:

(Source: and

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