‘Andrew Tate banned’ memes are quite the rage on the internet currently. Too bad the man of the hour cannot witness them himself because… well, he’s banned. After Tate unscrupulously spread hatred and misogyny and propagated an unhealthily toxic masculine image for years, social media sites suddenly woke up to their senses and started banning his accounts for violating community guidelines. As of now, Mr. Tate has been removed from every social media site of note, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, you name it. He truly is a pariah on the global scale now.

Andrew Tate
Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate banned from Kim Kardashian’s play pretend app

However, the humor keeps stacking up as Andrew Tate has now reportedly been banned from another app that he may or may not sorely miss. If he did though, it would be quite a joke. The latest app to have banned Tate is… Kim Kardashian: Hollywood app.

Yes, you read that right, the Kim Kardashian app. And no, it is not a joint platform to buy stuff from all the different businesses that she owns. It is a gaming virtual lifestyle app where you get to create an avatar and live the glamorous Hollywood life full of fame and fashion you can otherwise only dream of (talk about cashing in on people’s insecurities, particularly what the Kardashian clan thrives on).

Anyways, the tea is that Andrew Tate, no matter how much he now wishes, can not create an avatar and live a virtual play pretend Hollywood life on this app. Who knows, maybe it was his favorite way to pass the time but not anymore Tate!

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood app
Kim Kardashian: Hollywood app

It is unknown if Tate was already a registered player in the game or not. What adds to the irony of the situation is that weeks earlier, Tate had made the shocking claim that he didn’t know who Kylie Jenner was, claiming to be richer than her and asking if Jenner was a man. Although that was clearly just mumbo jumbo to get clout, being banned from Jenner’s sister’s app is certainly wildly hilarious, to say the least. Or is it just an act of comical revenge on Jenner’s part?

Also Read: “She is beautiful, she’s my niece”- Andrew Tate Reveals His Noble Intentions After Getting Banned, Vows to Fight Against Mental Health and Violence With His Tate Foundation

Twitter reacts

Netizens had quite an array of humorous responses to Tate’s ill luck. While some sarcastically commented how he won’t be able to get all the fun that the game has to offer.

Some trolls simply don’t care anymore and want the internet to be entirely Tate-free.

A user teased that Tate is still on Grindr which is all the more hysterical with Tate’s toxic masculinity in context. If this is true though, we hope he gets kicked out of there too.

Also Read: ‘The matrix is attacking us….let’s cancel them’: Andrew Tate Breaks Silence on Social Media Ban, Agrees ‘Not in a Million Years’ Can He Be Canceled With “70,000 People Watching”

Good riddance!

Andrew Tate
Andrew Tate is not going to be missed anytime soon

Andrew Tate’s sudden leap in popularity became the very reason for his doom. In his own words, “I was massively a victim of my own success”. It was when Tate started to become a little too influential that even the right-minded people started taking note of the man and found how he was sharing problematic maxims with impressionable minds who were quite likely to get influenced by his toxic frame of mind as well.

According to Rolling Stone, the former kick-boxer had almost 4.6 million followers on Instagram, and over 740,000 followers on YouTube and his TikTok videos garnered millions of views. It can be safely established that banning Tate is as good a riddance as can be.

Also Read: “I’m a victim of my own success”: Andrew Tate Plays the Victim Card After Getting Banned From Major Social Media Platforms, Says He Was Bullied as a Child For Being an American

Source: Twitter

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