There are tons of individuals on the web, and when they attempt to do things, it necessarily does not always work out in their favour. Whether they’re being bullies or simply minding their own business, thanks to r/ThereWasAnAttempt  here are some hilarious samples of people failing.

1. Tips To Remember

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lol62056 / Reddit

2. He Shoots To Kill

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IAmGodMode / Reddit

3. Leave Hillary Alone

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chickenmaster04 / Reddit

4. Vandalizing Property

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aliman21 / Reddit

5. Science

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Kdial2002 / Reddit

6. Take Your Hate Elsewhere

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Rollen73 / Reddit

7. Don’t Try To Make A Big Deal Out Of This

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Cole Allen / Twitter

8. Going to Uni…

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bicureyooz / Reddit

9. Since When Was This Something Millennials Did? Nope!

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Kdial2002 / Reddit

10. Rhetorical or Recipe?

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: Kdial2002 / Reddit

11. Amazon Suggestions

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Jac Rayner / Twitter

12. Unexpected Compliment

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GreenKeel / Reddit

13. Where Will You Go?

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14. Do Not Disrepespect Him Like That!

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russangoat / Reddit

15. Big Brain

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oda1337 / Reddit

16. That Smile!

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Own-Limit / Reddit

17. Poor Tax Payers

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hiphopnurse / Reddit
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