Hilarious Avengers Meme on Area 51 Raid
The Area 51 “raid” lastly happened this weekend after months of anticipation, but it feels like it may not have met the expectations of some people. What began as a joke Facebook case spun into a motion with several alien occurrences and tries to “storm” the iconic military base of Nevada. Even then, turnout was lower than originally planned for some of the events, even leading to some being cancelled midway through the weekend. With main incidents from Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, a meme shared by Reddit user RKetcy021 summarizes the expectations and reality of the event quite completely.
Relation to the Avengers
What expected & what happened ? Hahhaha
byu/RKtechy021 inAvengers
While the hype around the event made it seem like a Battle of Wakanda-level affair, the joke is that in actuality, it was much closer to a time-displaced Scott Lang attempting to enter the Avengers compound.
Trend started from Facebook
The whole trend spun out of a Facebook event created by Matty Roberts, which was dubbed “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us”. The event’s description joked that fans should gather in the masses and “Naruto run” their way into the base, in hopes of finally discovering whatever extraterrestrial secrets could hide inside.
The weekend raid has brought quite a lot of unintended consequences, including the fact that Nevada authorities are considering pursuing legal action against Facebook and Roberts. Although the original event started out as a joke, Roberts then organized a festival for alien enthusiasts called “Alienstock”, which led to the horde of people arriving in rural Nevada. According to one report, the community that the raid took place in could be seeking nearly $250,000 in damages.
Matty Roberts- the eye of the storm

“Matty Roberts is the one that started this on Facebook. So our district attorney, his opinion is that Matty Roberts and Facebook stand to be partially to blame for this” Lincoln County Sheriff Jerry Lee explained in a recent interview. “He’s already told people that this is quote-unquote ‘His event.’ He told some of the other event promoters that this was his event. And so I guess if it’s his event and he’s taken ownership of it then we know where legal action should go toward. I’m not an attorney but that is what Lincoln County district attorney is saying.”