How Ka-Zar Stopped Speaking like Tarzan and Started Speaking like Humans?
Ka-Zar had dramatically changed his speech patterns when his modern comic book version debuted in X-Men #10. Ka-Zar spoke in human language standard sort of way. In the entire thread, he went on talking like this, “Me Tarzan. You, Jane”.
The Weirdness

The strangely originated pattern of speaking continued up until 1981. In 1981s Bruce Jones, Brent Anderson and Carlos Garzan came up with Ka-Zar the Savage. This was the edition where now, we not only saw Ka-Zar in a romantic relationship out of nowhere, with Shanna the She-Devil but also he was now outright eloquent and philosophical! And of course, ‘Not At All’ talking like Tarzan.
Where it Came From?

Thanks to Bruce Jones, who eventually has provided us with some answers in Ka-Zar the Savage #21 (written by Joens, Ron Frenz and Mel Candido). In the issue, there is a scene where Peter Parker is hanging out with the She-Devil, Shaans O’Hara; while Ka-Zar is in a surgery which is following being shot in the head. Here, just like us, Peter wonders how Ka-Zar has changed his speech patterns. To this, Shanna explains both the mysteries, she tells how she got together with Ka-Zar in the first place and then, how she showed up and challenged Ka-Zar to stop talking like Tarzan. She did all of this just because she felt that it was all an affectation and nothing more.
Wrapping Up

However may the weird changes be justified by the writers, a fact can’t be ignored. Honestly, the truth is that Ka-Zar was a direct market book. This means that the writers ultimately had the freedom to get a bit steamier with the content than the normal. Anyhow, the conversation ends at the point that ‘Ka-Zar has talked like a normal person ever since’.
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Sources: CBR