Comedian Bill Burr, known for his habit of taking digs at everyone and everything – sensitive or not, has found himself in the headlines once again. This time with something that most people agree is not to be made into a joke. The thing about Burr is, he’s never gotten that memo!

Bill Burr divides the internet with abortion
Bill Burr

Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks

In his Netflix special – Live at Red Rocks, Burr starts off with some easy-on-the-ears pandemic jokes – by now they are quite tried and tested; at one point comparing it to “Hunger Games” and he gets some good laughs for it.

Bill Burr Live at Red Rocks
Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks Netflix Special

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He then moves on to the topic of “Cancel Culture” of the woke white population; and his disbelief on why one day all of a sudden “dead-for-45-years” John Wayne was trending. “These f*ckin’ idiots” he says, of how some people took the whole Me Too movement too far when they started digging up men’s misdeeds from the grave. Literally!

He even says why the whole thing was only about men, and not also about bad women. We got both, we have to admit! But the movement seemed much biased when only men were being accused. He also adds some bits about feminism and, according to him, it’s all about hypocrisies.

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“I know [feminism is] gonna fail. I take comfort in that, but I’m not rooting for it,” further adding, “Ladies, if you could just support the WNBA the way you support a fat chick that’s proud of her body, and is no longer a threat to you, that league would be doing better numbers than the NBA.”

The whole idea of women destroying women? Yeah! He said it. Females are failing feminism, and Bill Burr is here to tell you that to your face. And though a little shaky, even that get’s him some good laughs.

But then he starts with the topic of abortion, and that’s when things get a little shaky. The jokes were good, mind you; but it’s the topic itself that seems to have the comedy fans divided.

He started with: “Pro-choice always made sense to me, because I don’t like people telling me what to do, and I was just like, it’s your body, who the f*ck am I to tell you what to do with your body? So that always made sense. However, I still think you’re killing a baby.”

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Bill Burr’s Take on Abortion: Baking a Cake

Bill Burr
Bill Burr’s controversial takes during his Netflix special has fans divided

Some cheers, some boos, but that is expected – even by Burr himself, as he points: “See? That’s where it gets weird.”

He talks about how at the end of it, it’s the killing of a baby that gives him a pause. There have been numerous debates on the matter, and there will be even more in the future; and though Burr says he sits on the fence about the whole thing, the issue goes beyond the whole theory of what abortion is.

Jokingly (it is a stand-up comedy special), he compares the whole process of abortion to that of baking a cake.

“‘Its not a baby yet’ … that would be like if I was making a cake and I poured some batter in a pan, and I put it in the oven, and then five minutes later you came by and you grabbed the pan and you threw it across the floor, and I went ‘What the f*ck? You just ruined my birthday cake!’ and then you were like, ‘Well, that wasn’t a cake yet.’ It’s like, ‘Well, it would have been if you didn’t do what you just did, there would have been a cake in 50 minutes.’ Something happened to that cake, you cake-murdering son of a b****.”  

While some people are on the fence on what to think about his comedy special (like he is about abortion), it’s his story-telling perhaps, and the way he is not afraid to say even the most politically incorrect thing at such a gathering is what makes this special worth the watch. His fans would undoubtedly love it, others will take some time to get into it. But his self-deprecating humor, being abrasive and obtuse all the same time, will likely get people going for this Netflix special.

Live at Red Rocks is now streaming on Netflix.

Source: Dailywire

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