Charlie Sheen has gone through a difficult situation in his life. The actor who rose to prominence in the late 1990s and later established himself as the highest-paid actor on television fell deep in disgrace. From substance abuse, alcoholism, legal troubles, and whatnot, his entire life trajectory took a complete turn which is why he empathized with Roseanne Barr.

Charlie Sheen
American actor, Charlie Sheen

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The actor once had called out the American actress when she tweeted racist remarks about former Barack Obama adviser, Valerie Jarrett. After her comments, she had to face severe consequences which is why Sheen understands her situation.

Hollywood canceled Roseanne Barr Over Her Insensitive Remarks

Roseanne Barr
American actress, Roseanne Barr

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Back in 2018, the comedian-actress Roseanne Barr went through quite a difficult year after making an insensitive remark about a senior advisor to former President Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, in a now-deleted tweet.

The former is known to be a supporter of former President of the US, Donald Trump, and shared a racist remark in a tweet stating, “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.”

She later stated that her former tweet was a “joke”, however, she issued an apology shortly after that.

“I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste.”

Due to her comments, she had to face major backlash including the cancelation of her show, Roseanne by ABC. Not just on social media platforms, she has also apologized for her remarks in several interviews as well.

Charlie Sheen Feels Relatable to Roseanne Barr After Cheering Her Hollywood Cancelation

Actor Charlie Sheen
Actor Charlie Sheen

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The 57-year-old actor, Charlie Sheen slammed the comedian for her remarks by stating, “Roseanne good riddance” on Twitter adding, “The runway is now clear for OUR reboot” he captioned posting a photo of an old script.

In a 2018 appearance on The Kyle & Jackie O Show, he opened up about being able to empathize with Barr’s then scenario.

He shared,

“I can relate to that tone of absolute despair because it’s not just about herself, it’s about the people that she knows she affected as well.”

He knew that blacklisting someone in the industry has a lot more weightage than anyone could imagine as he went through something similar. An executive back in 2011 spoke to Deadline stating that the Two and a Half Men star became “uninsurable” due to his actions.

He continued,

“What I hear in her voice, trying not to focus on the words but the emotion, is I hear the frustration, pain. There’s a sadness there.”

He added,

“The thing that is a little bit sad is that when someone does melt. Everything good they have ever done that has entertained millions of people is always forgotten.”

Sheen then apologized to the comedian stating that he should never have tweeted as she was always nice to him.

Source: The Kyle & Jackie O Show

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