“I can’t really judge Eren for crying”: One Piece, Attack on Titan and Naruto Worlds Collide Over Crazy Stats About Their Main Characters Crying in the Show
What do the main characters of One Piece, Naruto, and Attack on Titan have in common? They have all cried. Everyone in real life benefits from occasionally having a good weep. However, there are several anime characters that appear to cry more often than the typical person does. Yes, sometimes this happens when a character has had a difficult life. On the other hand, there are the characters who break down crying over spilled milk.

Narratives can employ several strategies to turn a character into a whiner. Since they might not have the best emotional regulation, it’s usually intended to make them appear immature. In other situations, it serves to highlight a character’s compassion and empathy. At times, it can also be used to create humor in the storyline, while at other times, it can be thrown in to make the audience emotional.
Anime Fandoms Clash Over Which Main Characters Cry The Most

A recent post on Instagram by user @peacehammertitan ignited a debate between the fandoms of some of the most popular anime series such as One Piece, Attack on Titan, Naruto, and My Hero Academia. This time the topic of debate was somewhat unusual as depicted by the caption under the post: Who is the biggest crybaby in anime?
The topic prompted a debate among the largest anime fandoms as the fans came to the defense of the main characters. A fan stated that the stats differ because some have a harder life, while other anime characters have a relatively easier life. Another fan defended Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan, saying:
I mean I can’t really judge Eren for crying. Unless you’re 1 of the 10 main characters that survived, it’s a horrible world to live in.
The fans also called on the toxicity and double standards that are subjected to male characters for crying when society is all about positive mental health. But all of that flies out of the window when they get a chance to belittle men for showing their emotions. In this case, male characters are being judged for crying when they have every right to for shouldering the weight of humanity on their own.
Midoriya Izuku Shows That It Is Perfectly Acceptable To Express One’s Feelings

In Shonen anime, we encounter a broad range of emotional characters. Some characters openly display their emotions, serving as a reminder that is perfectly acceptable to express one’s emotions. These characters showcase that emotions are not a sign of weakness, but a source of strength. After all, there is no advantage in being emotionally constipated.
Midoriya Izuku, commonly known as Deku, is one of the shonen anime characters from My Hero Academia. He is a perfect example of an emotionally expressive shonen anime character. He is not afraid to openly display his emotions; expressing excitement, determination, and even shedding tears.
Although Deku is frequently ridiculed both within the fandom and outside of it for being so expressive, his emotions play a significant role in his journey to become a hero. His willingness to show his vulnerable side through tears demonstrates the authenticity of his character in a world filled with extraordinary powers and challenges.