• With a movie like The Sixth Sense, visionary filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan completely changed the way people saw and experienced thriller movies.
  • Shyamalan reminisces of a day when he made Willis act a scene again after the latter thought he gave the best shot.
  • Not only did he make Willis give another shot that eventually made it into the final flick, but he also gained the respect of an established actor.

Back in the late 1990s, films usually followed a similar pattern. From romantic comedies to thriller dramas, there was a set procedure that ensured every movie’s success. To stray away from the norm would mean committing a crime because people were not so open to change. Or so most people thought.

With a movie like The Sixth Sense, visionary filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan completely changed the way people saw and experienced thriller movies. The somber beginning, the ultimate twist of an ending, and everything in between seems like a masterpiece come to life.

Bruce Willis was the first to see M. Night Shyamalan’s True Talent

M. Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense
Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense | Hollywood Pictures

While the most common situation is where a director spots unique talent in an actor, sometimes things can be the other way around. While working on The Sixth Sense with director M. Night Shyamalan, it was actor Bruce Willis who truly recognized the genius of the director long before he became one of the most successful filmmakers.

In a recent interview with GQ, Shyamalan dives into his momentous career and all the projects he has worked on to date. Recalling a time when he got the most precious praise of his life, Shyamalan reminisces of a day when he made Willis act a scene again after the latter thought he gave the best shot.

It feels scary to think that a small little moment like that decides your life. And you and I went, looked at him and I walked forward and I whispered in his ear and I could feel the tension coming off of him. Like he was like ready to strike. And I was like,” I want you to do one more and I want you to do this.” And I whispered my thoughts. I pull away from him and he kind of looks at me with ice, you know, and I go, “Roll sound, let’s go!”

M. Night Shyamalan | Gage Skidmore - Wikimedia Commons
M. Night Shyamalan | Image by Gage Skidmore, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license

What followed was a terrifying moment for Shyamalan who was new to the industry. Getting to work with a talented actor like Willis was already a huge thing for the budding director. After the shot was over, Willis called Shyamalan to his trailer. Further revealing what happened next, Shyamalan added,

He opens the door and in classic superstar mode, he has no shirt on with a towel over his thing. He’s standing up there, it’s really like, it’s like a movie. He’s on the stairs and I’m at the bottom of the thing. And he goes, “What you just did, I’ve only, I’ve only felt this one time before. And it was with Quentin on Pulp Fiction.”

He goes, “You got something kid. You really got something. And that was it. That’s all I wanna tell you.” And he closed the door. And I literally, I think I’ve never skipped before, but I skipped down the sidewalk.

That was the day Shyamalan got the most precious validation of his life. Not only did he make Willis give another shot that eventually made it into the final flick, but he also gained the respect of an established actor. Today, no true cinephile remains a stranger to Shyamalan’s interesting techniques and manner of work.

The Sixth Sense Became a Box Office Sensation

Bruce Willis
Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense | Hollywood Pictures

In 1999 when The Sixth Sense was first released, fans were shocked to see how the story unraveled. It was a completely new concept to blur the lines between horror and thriller in the way Shyamalan executed it. Collecting a massive sum of $672 million at the box office, The Sixth Sense became successful unlike anything people had seen before.

Even today, fans keep going back to the film to see the blueprint of true horror and suspense that the director crafted into the narrative. Every scene is a true masterpiece in its own right. The film further consolidated Shyamalan’s position in the industry as one of the most riveting filmmakers and storytellers. Considering this was only Shyamalan’s second theatrical release, the man took various risks and faced challenges to make the story happen in the way he wanted it to.

The Sixth Sense is streaming on AppleTV.

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