Their bromance has taken an intriguing new direction. Since Tom Hiddleston confessed he is aware of Chris Hemsworth’s appearance when unclothed. It can said to be the most adorable interview of all time.

The bond actors of MCU share are very special and unique. They are always seen having fun with each other without crossing the line. Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth are said to share a close bond and their activities are setting up the best friends goal.

How Did Tom Hiddleston Share This News?

Tom and Chris in a photoshoot
Tom and Chris

In an interview from 2013, Tom revealed how he saw Chris Hemsworth naked. The interviewee asked Tom that did he see Chris naked? and he replied with a “yes”. Tom instantly without cleared out how he saw him naked. He said “I feel I do need to explain because otherwise it’s weird”.

He then continues to tell everyone that “Chris showed him a very funny picture of himself with his baby and it was an illustration of how small she was. His wife took the picture. It’s all fine. It’s PG. It was hilarious,” Tom added.

Chris Is Set To Be Butt – Naked In Thor: Love And Thunder.

Chris Hemsworth butt naked in love and thunder
Chris Hemsworth as Thor

Undoubtedly, Chris Hemsworth is the best actor to play Thor. His nude butt shot in the Thor: Love and Thunder trailer has everyone talking, and the star even describes it as a dream come true. Furthermore, this scene clearly shows how much Thor has been working on his body after the Avengers : Endgame.

Hemsworth received praise from Marvel fans for showing off his bottom on camera. He himself in a interview mentioned that “Showing my butt was kind of a dream of mine”.

How Far Has This Bond Come To?

Chris And Tom in movie Thor
Loki and Thor

What takes place behind the scenes is one of the best aspects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Most of the other superhero cast members are good friends and enjoy lots of fun times with each other in real life.

During a press conference for “Thor: The Dark World,” Hemsworth and Hiddleston were asked about their off-screen connection. Hemsworth responded, “From the beginning, we were lucky, we simply had a chemistry and the same type of enthusiasm.”

Their friendship indeed has definitely came a long way. We obviously want to see more of their friendship and fun interviews like this in future. Thor Love And Thunder is releasing on 8th July 2022.



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