• John Cena and Ryan Reynolds were asked the same question about their favorite movie.
  • The professional wrestler gave a straightforward and honest response.
  • While the Deadpool star avoided answering the question, it seemed like he was ignoring it.

In the busy world of celebrity interviews, real moments are like finding a needle in a haystack. Mostly, it’s just smiles and practiced lines. In the middle of all that, a new video has put two huge Hollywood stars in the spotlight.

James Gunn
John Cena as Peacemaker in the titular series (Credits: HBO Max)

The question was straightforward: ‘What’s your favorite movie of all time?’ But John Cena and Ryan Reynolds gave answers that were completely different from each other. From Cena’s response, Reynolds could use a few pointers on tackling a question.

John Cena and Ryan Reynolds Answered the Same Question Differently

Ryan Reynolds (Credits: Instagram/vancityreynolds)
Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool (Credits: Instagram/vancityreynolds)

John Cena, famous for his dynamic wrestling persona and expanding acting career, gave a surprisingly honest answer (via Filmtopia). When asked about his favorite film, he simply replied:

I don’t think I have the time to answer that. There’s a lot of good ones I got.

It might sound like The Prototype was brushing it off, but his answer actually feels pretty honest. He admitted that there’s so much film history that he can’t pick just one favorite. By doing this, he sidesteps the risk of giving a boring or too excited answer.

Contrast this with Ryan Reynolds, a master of witty banter and self-deprecating humor. When faced with the same question (via Filmtopia), the 47-year-old seemed to completely dodge it. Even when the reporter tried again, he completely ignored it.

It looked like the Marvel star was pretending not to hear. Though Reynolds is loved for his sense of humor, this time some fans think his way of dodging the question seemed pretty dismissive. 

One fan commented, the actual Pov: Ryan didn’t give a flying f.

Another chimed in, Take the hint you’re irrelevant.

While it’s understandable that actors often try to protect their image, ignoring questions can come off as snobby. Giving honest answers, on the other hand, helps build trust. However, the way celebrities handle interviews depends on how they view them!

Hugh Jackman’s Honest and Thoughtful Response to the Same Question

Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman in a still from Deadpool & Wolverine (Credits: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

Hugh Jackman, another big-name actor, took a balanced approach between John Cena and Ryan Reynolds. When asked the same question (via another Filmtopia video), the Aussie actor took a moment to think and then said, “Singin’ in the Rain.” His answer shows he’s open to the question and shares a bit of his own taste.

Singin’ in the Rain is a 1952 classic musical comedy featuring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, and Jean Hagen. The movie follows the transition from silent films to “talkies” and a famous silent star trying to keep up with all the chatter. The film even snagged Oscar nominations for Best Supporting Actress and Best Original Song.

Watch Jackman’s favorite movie, Singin’ in the Rain, on Amazon Prime Video!

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