Nick Cannon is doing god’s work – in his own words that is. The renowned talk show host has set himself apart from the crowd for something quite unexpected; child rearing that is (and that too choosing to do so consciously).

Cannon has already fathered 12 offsprings, a fact that a lot of people belonging to the contemporary generation will find hard to believe. But what is more shocking than the number is the fact that he is still looking to have more kids, a decision which is backed by ‘logic’.

Nick Cannon will never shy away from his duty

Nick Cannon has 12 kids
Being a father is Nick Cannon’s topmost priority

Nick Cannon has a new talk show on the way, named Daily Cannon, a show which he hopes will resuscitate his career finally. While in discussion with PEOPLE about his upcoming venture, he also went into his reasons for choosing to have as many kids as he did.

For the 42-year-old host, it is all about loving people. For him, fatherhood is his duty, it is what he was born to do on this planet. Cannon said, “Career and work and all of that, take second.” 

Well, to each man his own.

Also Read: “I Think She Would Relate To Me”: Nick Cannon Wants To Impregnate Taylor Swift For His 13th Child After Singer Broke Up With Joe Alwyn

Having 12 kids is just the price of being a dutiful man

Nick Cannon and his kids
Nick Cannon and his kids

The Wild ‘n Out host believes that there’s a reason we’re “put on this planet”.

The Misfits star delved deeper into the topic, saying, “I believe that’s what we’re put on this planet here to do, is to guide and usher in your offspring. So fatherhood is my number one and first priority when I open my eyes when I get up every morning.”

He continued, “I love in abundance.” No wonder that he is still looking to have more children, with reports suggesting that he’s also looking to have Taylor Swift birth his next child, a rumor that has left fans both shocked and disappointed.

Also Read: After Wanting Taylor Swift To Have His 13th Child, Nick Cannon Embarasses Himself By Forgetting The Name Of His Own Daughter

Getting the record straight

Nick Cannon
Nick Cannon

The Nick Cannon Show host is aware that people label him as a s*x addict for his choices. But his reasons for having children are far from what people believe them to be. He took the opportunity to refute all that has been said about him and his choices.

He said, “There are a lot of narratives out there about me and my life that I’m actually not even a part of,” narratives he refuted in the course of his interview with the PEOPLE.

The Daily Cannon is set to release on 24 April 2023.

Also Read: “How Misogynistic And Pathetic Of Cannon To Suggest This”: Nick Cannon Joking About Having A Baby With Taylor Swift Makes Her Fans Furious

Source: People

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