It’s been five years since The Big Bang Theory ended. After 12 seasons and 1 spinoff, fans still love going back and rewatching the show because of its hilarious storylines, relatable characters, and a mixture of all genres. Another spinoff based on the Young Sheldon timeline is also in the works.

However, no matter how great a show is, there tend to be some moments that make fans cringe and skip the episodes. In the 12 seasons of The Big Bang Theory, there are bound to be a few awkward and embarrassing moments that make fans want to hit the skip button.

This The Big Bang Theory Cringe-worthy Moment features Howard

A still from Big Bang Theory finale
A still from The Big Bang Theory finale | CBS

One of the most cringe-worthy moments in The Big Bang Theory happened in season 8 episode 3. The episode was about Howard getting a chance to throw the first pitch at an Angels game. They wanted an astronaut to throw the first pitch and surprise, surprise, they chose Howard Wolowitz. He practices hard continuously, and even his wife Bernadette throws a better ball. In the end, he is unable to get the ball past a certain distance.

Putting his MIT degree and his engineering brain to work, he devises a plan to integrate technology and excite viewers of the game simultaneously. He gets the Mars Rover on the pitch to throw the ball. As soon as he announces the same, the stadium goes wild and offers a chance to create a unique moment in history. However, what follows is utter tragedy as the Mars Rover takes a long time to reach the pitch.

Howard in The Big Bang Theory | CBS
Howard in The Big Bang Theory | CBS

The crowd starts booing Howard and making fun of his efforts that lead nowhere. While many fans felt sorry for Howard in that moment, others couldn’t wait for the scene to get over since it was cringe to another level. The moment was stretched unnecessarily when the viewers could have gotten the humor via a shorter scene as well.

Reddit user shares opinion on the cringe scene

Big Bang Theory
Raj and Howard in The Big Bang Theory | CBS

On The Big Bang Theory page on Reddit, a user asked other fans of the show to share a moment that made them cringe hard. The user who posted the question shared the moment when Howard behaved like a woman due to estrogen assimilation. On the other hand, many fans agreed that the Mars Rover scene was very difficult to watch.

byu/Severe-Cattle6226 from discussion

Another user commented, “When I reached that part, I immediately skip to the next episode. I don’t know why I feel the embarrassment for him that much.”

More users chimed in with their opinion on the scene where Howard had the potential to do something truly unique, but the showrunners reduced him to a joke yet again. Throughout the show, we see Sheldon make fun of Howard and his work, so this could have been a turning point for the character.

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