After facing intense backlash for his seemingly antisemitic post on Instagram, Jamie Foxx has issued a statement apologizing for his actions. The Spider-Man: No Way Home star has clarified that his words were highly misconstrued. And that he did not intend to offend anyone.

This apology came after his ambiguous Instagram post which was perceived to be charged with antisemitism. The hate toward the Jewish Community is a highly sensitive subject. And Foxx’s attempt at lessening the harsh repercussions does not seem to work.

Jammie Foxx Has Nothing but Love for Everyone

Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx

In the apology Jamie Foxx posted, he stated that his now-deleted Instagram post was about being hurt by a friend and not toward the Jewish Community. His apology statement reads:

“I want to apologize to the Jewish community and everyone who was offended by my post, I now know my choice of words has caused offense and I’m sorry. That was never my intent. To clarify, I was betrayed by a fake friend and that’s what I meant with ‘they’ not anything more. I only have love in my heart for everyone. I love and support the Jewish community. My deepest apologies to anyone who was offended ❤️❤️❤️. Nothing but love always, Jamie Foxx.”

Foxx is referring to the post made by him the day prior which ensued the bashing on the internet. And denies all the claims made regarding his standing on the subject.

Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx

Read More: Jamie Foxx Follows Kanye West as Marvel Star Goes on Anti-Semitic Tirade After Mystery Illness Threatened His Life

Denizens angry at Jamie Foxx's Post
Denizens Angry at Jamie Foxx’s Post

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Jamie Foxx Has Support From Jewish Friends

The reaction to Foxx’s apology post was surprisingly positive. Where there were angry tweets harsh words are now words of reason. Some of his friends came out to support the Academy Award Winner and emphasize he is not antisemitic.

Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx

The comment section under the post both on Twitter and Instagram is filled with words of affection and empathy. Some were even shocked by the notion that Foxx’s previous post was misinterpreted and glad that it is all in the clear now.


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A post shared by Jamie Foxx (@iamjamiefoxx)

People are now realizing that Foxx did not mean any harm and that it was a genuine mistake.

This incident serves as a great reminder that words especially the ones said in the public sphere, carry weight. It is good to sometimes step back and analyze what one says while also being quick to rectify mistakes. Foxx was quick to act, which saved him from what could have been a scandalous situation.

Read More:  “I went to hell and back”: Jamie Foxx Makes a Scary Confession About His Medical Condition and How It Nearly Killed Him

Source: People

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