While fans wait for James Gunn to release his version of the DC cinematic universe, they are still relishing the projects undertaken by visionary director Zack Snyder. His impeccable eye for detail and the ability to capture the attention of the audience for a long period of time, as seen in Justice League, make him one of the most sought-after directors of today.

For DC, he directed Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Justice League. All three movies enjoyed immense success and appreciation at the box office, propelling DC’s name to the top of the charts.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League may be released in theatres soon

A still from The Flash Vs. Superman in Justice League (Credits: Warner Bros. Pictures)
A still with The Flash and Superman in Justice League (Credits: Warner Bros. Pictures)

Zack Snyder recently teased that his fans may now have the opportunity to experience the majestic movie on the big screens. Though we got Justice League in theatres in the past, this will be the first time fans will get to experience the entire uncut saga as Snyder envisioned in theatres. The 4-hour-long flick was released on HBO Max in 2021 after the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement gained momentum.

Fans were disheartened to learn of Snyder’s departure from the project and wanted him to continue working on the movie. Finally, they were relieved to see Snyder’s version of Justice League, which eventually received far more appreciation than the movie Warner Bros chose to release in theatres back in 2017. Now, with the possibility of a theatrical release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, fans are excited once again to witness the grandeur of the story, but on one condition.

Fans are demanding that Snyder’s Justice League have adequate intermissions and breaks since sitting in the theatre for four continuous hours might be a bit much. Since they don’t even want to miss a single scene from the movie, having intermissions might help regulate the watch time.

Zack Snyder's Justice League
Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck and Ray Fisher in Justice League | Warner Bros. Pictures

Others claimed that they need a sequel to Snyder’s Justice League as that is an unfinished story. Snyder has not revealed any release date, or the reason behind this announcement, so fans can just sit tight and wait for an official confirmation.

Why did Zack Snyder exit Justice League?

Zack Snyder at San Diego Comic Con International
Zack Snyder at San Diego Comic Con International | Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

The drama surrounding Justice League and its production made headlines back in 2017. Snyder was the man at the helm since the beginning of the movie. However, halfway through the production, Warner Bros decided that they wanted to take a direction different than what was originally planned. They brought in Joss Whedon to make some creative decisions and condense the movie further.

After some differences and arguments, Whedon eventually took complete control of the narrative and sidelined Snyder, who was going through a tough time personally at the time. In February 2018, it was reported that Snyder was fired from the movie and Whedon was to complete it. This left many fans angry and frustrated since they loved Snyder’s direction and visionary ideas. Nonetheless, Snyder never deleted the complete footage he shot for Justice League, and later compiled it at the masses’ request.

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