“I’m a nerdy mom”: Johnny Depp Unknowingly Shattered Robert Downey Jr Iron Man Co-Star’s Confidence With His Cigarettes
Johnny Depp is unanimously the coolest person in Hollywood. His charm, eloquence, personality, and sense of humor all contribute to making him the amazing person he is. Recent times have seen his reputation challenged for various reasons, but the way he has emerged from all that with so much grace is inherently cool too.
A big personality like his can be really impressive and intimidating at the same time. That’s what happened with this star from Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man.
Johnny Depp was too Cool for This Star

Known for her role as Pepper Potts in Iron Man, Gwyneth Paltrow is an Oscar-winning actress and a successful businesswoman. Being so well-accomplished herself did not help when she met Hollywood heartthrob Johnny Depp.
The duo collaborated in a 2015 action-comedy Mortdecai. But that’s not where they met for the first time. The pair’s first encounter came years before they starred in the film. It was at an afterparty in London where Depp obliviously gave Paltrow a mild existential crisis.

The duo was on The Ellen Show, promoting their film where they recounted the story of their first encounter, which had the audience in stitches.
Johnny Depp Intimidated Gwyneth Paltrow with Cigarettes

Getting intimidated, enamored and a little insecure about yourself must be a universal human experience. But for Gwyneth Paltrow, it was on an entirely different level. Talking about what she felt her first time meeting The Pirates of the Caribbean star on The Ellen Show, Paltrow says:
“You know, I thought I was like sort of cool until I met him. And then he was like so cool and rolling cigarettes and I was like: ‘Wow I’m a total nerdy Mom.’ And I was like, Wow you can roll cigarettes like that?”
Cut to, five years later, when the pair started working together and developed a friendship, Paltrow still thinks Depp to be the coolest and most hilarious person she has ever worked with. The pair’s chemistry on screen was delightful. As Ellen asks them what about the other drove them crazy the most, Paltrow again reiterates, that it is just how cool Depp is, saying:
“He’s sort of perfect. You know how like your alarm clock might go off and it might say like ‘Oh it’s 8:00, I need to get up and go to work I think when Johnny’s goes off he’s like ‘Oh I need to sleep for six more hours. He’s too cool to follow a 24-hour schedule like we do.”

More of Johnny Depp and Gwyneth Paltrow’s dynamic can be witnessed in their movie Mortdecai, which is available on Prime Video.
Source: The Ellen Show