Infinity War almost saw Thor having a very different weapon of choice, as stated by an unused Thor concept art.

With Thor’s hammer destroyed in Ragnarok by his sister Hela, Hemsworth’s character was forced to find a new weapon to take on The Mad Titan. He headed to Nivadellir to forge the Stormbreaker axe. However, a newly leaked concept art reveals that he almost had a gun in the film.

While many fans blame Star-Lord for Thanos’ success, the directors Joe and Anthony Russo pointed out that Thor had the best opportunity to kill Thanos but he chose to brag instead.

“I would argue that the fan base could be equally upset with Thor, who chose to throw that axe into Thanos’ chest and not his head,” Joe Russo told “Because he wanted to tell Thanos that he got his revenge.”

Thor has never had a reputation for intelligence but is someone who rather acts on impulse and emotion throughout his run in the MCU.

“Had he gone for a kill shot, that snap would not have happened. These are choices that characters who are feeling immense pain make and hopefully, the audience can learn to empathize with those characters because they can grow through stories,” Joe Russo went on. “Stories can teach us things and that we should try to see every choice from the perspective of the character that made the choice.”

Thor will return to take down the Mad Titan in Avengers 4 next year. And as for Star-lord, Russos teased that he cannot redeem himself “because he’s dead.”

On the other hand, Thanos is also feeling the weight of his actions. “That moment when he clicks his fingers sends him into this ethereal plane inside of the Soul Stone where as part of his quote-unquote hero’s journey in the film, he has one last moment to convey a sense of guilt about what he’s done,” Joe Russo said. “It illustrates what a complicated character he is.”

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