Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes have been making headlines for some time now. The couple first made headlines last year in November after the news of their affair went public. Since then, a lot has gone down and the couple has grown closer than ever. However, not everything has worked out for the couple in their favor. ABC announced last month that the duo would be fired from Good Morning America and the network after they concluded their internal investigation. The duo reportedly signed off their exit settlement by the end of January.

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes
Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes

Also read: “Staffers are encouraged to never mention their names again”: ABC Reportedly So Embarrassed By T.J. Holmes-Amy Robach Affair They Are Scrubbing Their Existence Off of Their Office

Things haven’t been good lately for the couple as they struggle to get back on the air. In fact, things are so bad that according to sources, the former colleagues of the duo have not even talked to them since their departure from the ABC Network.

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes are being completely shunned by the ABC Network

A source that works in the network revealed how things have been since the couple’s departure. The insider stated that Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes are being completely wiped off the network’s history itself. The source said, “Inside ABC, it’s like Amy and T.J. never existed.” The source further revealed that their “offices have been emptied” and “Staffers are encouraged to never mention their names again.

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes
Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes

Also read: “Amy knows who did what to whom”: Amy Robach Threatened to Expose Dirty Secrets of GMA to Get Better Exit Deal than Her Partner T.J. Holmes

It was also revealed that even their former colleagues are not in touch anymore with the couple. The source said, “Even Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos have had zero contact with them after years of working together.” Things have not been so good professionally for the duo as they try to make their comeback on television after their high-profile firing.

The infamous couple might join NewsNation amid the ongoing drama

Another source close to the couple revealed that the couple is looking for a job at NewsNation. A source revealed that “Amy, in particular, is very close to NewsNation president Michael Corn.”  It was further reported that Corn is very sympathetic towards Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes amid their ongoing drama. A source even mentioned that the couple, “isn’t done with television and remain confident another network or cable channel will see the value in their undeniable chemistry.

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes
Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes

Also read: T.J. Holmes Can’t Keep His Hands to Himself as He Shamelessly Grabs Amy Robach’s Tushy in Public Despite Failing to Grab Employment After Getting Fired from Good Morning America

In other news, it was previously reported by sources that the ABC network was trying to reduce Amy Robach’s severance package as compared to Holmes’s. However, it seems like Robach bagged a greater package eventually due to her being longer on the show than her boyfriend.

Source: RadarOnline

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