Could the most absurd, viral fan theory finally come to life? Before the release of Avengers: Endgame, one of the most discussed theories revolved around the defeating Thanos. With the Avengers cut down to half their man-power, and Thanos at full strength with all his stones – several theories were considered. Some seemed possible, while others were rightful/ly absurd. One of the most popular theories suggested that Ant-Man could essentially kill Thanos by shrinking, crawling up his butthole, and growing to full size. Obviously, this would blow up the massive purple villain and guarantee a victory for the Avengers. However, in an odd twist of events, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow seems to imply a similar scene.

Joe Russo On Antman and Thanos Theory

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Joe and Anthony Russo directed Avengers: Endgame and Avengers: Infinity War

The news of the theory naturally reached the directors of Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. “Listen, here’s the thing,” Joe Russo, co-director of Avengers: Endgame, commented. “Thanos is incredibly strong. His skin is almost impervious. The question would be what would happen to Ant-Man if he did that. Would it work? Would it not work? If it didn’t work, it would be really bad.” In other event, Christopher Markus, co-writer of Endgame, also commented on the theory. “Thanos could take a punch from the Hulk, we’ve seen that. And it stands to reason his whole body is at least as strong as that. If Ant-Man expanded, he would be simply crushed against the immovable walls of Thanos’ mighty rectum.”

Legends of Tomorrow Seemingly Adopting The Theory

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Brandon Routh’s The Atom has the ability to shrink and grow in size according to his will

Unlike Avengers: Endgame, which was in itself a pretty serious movie, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow would have actually followed through on any crazy theory. Brandon Routh’s The Atom is entirely capable of size-changing powers, however, there’s no Thanos nearby for him to go up against. However, in a new trailer for the fifth season for Legends of Tomorrow, something slightly similar seemed to have happened. 

Ray’s Palmer’s Scene in Legends Trailer

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The glimpse of the Legends trailer with Ray Palmer implied a similar scenario to the theory of Antman and Thanos

Ray Palmer seemingly grows to his full size, essentially blowing up a person that previously occupied the same space. Clearly, this would feel like a coincidence on any other show except for Legends, who might just include any absurd theory into their storyline. Now the question remains, what did Ray just blow up?

Source: Comicbook, Collider

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