After being into acting from a very young age, Gordon Cormier bagged the role of a lifetime, playing Aang in Netflix’s live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender adaptation. He was 11 years old when he auditioned to play the 12-year-old Avatar who could master all elements and restore peace in the realm. Although he initially turned down the audition, Cormier expresses how amazing it feels to be on the Avatar set and work with talented actors.

Gordon Cormier’s Cherished Passion

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang in Avatar: The Last Airbender

As part of interviews and press tours, young Gordon Cormier revealed his love for skateboarding. The actor has been practicing for over 3 years now and loves to ride his skateboard at the end of the day to unwind and feel better about himself. He further shared how the activity is dangerous and his parents were concerned he might hurt himself. But as they say, practice makes perfect.

Also Read: Avatar: The Last Airbender – 5 Most Disheartening Changes the Netflix Show is Guilty of

Similar to how Aang practices to master all the elements, it took Cormier a long time to ace all signature skateboard moves. He makes it a point to practice regularly and loses himself in another world while on his skateboard. During an interview with Netflix Geeked, he was asked about a passion he cannot let go of. Cormier shared,

“Skateboarding isn’t something I can give up on. For me, tricks and stuff did not come easy. Four months for my first ollie. Five months for my first shove. Kickflips took me like a year and a half. It’s my safe space and it’s kind of just the place where I can go after a long day to unwind and feel good.”

Avatar: The Last Airbender
A scene from Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender

As a young actor, it is great that Cormier is maintaining a passion that helps him center himself away from the spotlight. In fact, he later goes on to describe his perfect skateboard that has a blue background with an image of Appa painted on it. Netflix Geeked partnered with a YouTuber artist who painted a skateboard exactly like Cormier described and gifted it to him. His joy was unmatched upon receiving the gift.

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Will Avatar: The Last Airbender Have Season 2?

Gordon Cormier plays Aang in <em>Avatar: The Last Airbender</em>
Gordon Cormier plays Aang in Avatar: The Last Airbender

Despite some complaints by fans about the accuracy of the show and hastening the episodes to club storylines, viewership numbers suggest the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender is reaching the top of the streamer’s list. A recorded 21.2M views were achieved in just the opening weekend of the show. This suggests we might see Aang and his friends again for another season.

While Netflix has not confirmed the renewal of the show, we will likely see the Avatar back on screen. Because of no official confirmation, we don’t know what the showrunners have planned for the upcoming seasons. However, it is clear that the actors are excited to come back to work and make another chapter of stories in Aang’s life.

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