• 'House of the Dragon' Season 2 finale shows Daemon Targaryen's vision, which includes his own death and future events.
  • Some fans want Daemon to take over Kings' Landing, as the events of his vision would come after centuries.
  • Daemon's vision of Daenerys and her dragons strengthens the theory that she is the true "prince that was promised."

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House of the Dragon Season 2 has finally wrapped up, but it left the viewers with a lot to unpack. The show has been all about dragons, drama, and the Targaryen family. But Daemon Targaryen seems to steal the spotlight this time, especially after the last episode.

House of the Dragon Season 2
House of the Dragon Season 2 | via Max YouTube

Matt Smith as Daemon has been dark, cunning, and occasionally setting things on fire, and fans who have been following his journey wonder about the fate of his character. The season finale showed some things, and not everyone is happy about where things are headed.

Daemon Targaryen’s Vision and the Fans’ Dilemma

Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon Season 2
Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon Season 2 | Credit: HBO Entertainment

In the last episode of House of the Dragon Season 2, Daemon Targaryen had a vision, and he saw glimpses of the future, such as the White Walkers and Mother of Dragons.

Daemon’s vision also predicted his own death, and for the most part, the events in that part are very similar to the ones described by George R. R. Martin in Fire & Blood. Daemon kills Aemond in a dragon battle to the death. It’s heroic, it’s dramatic, and it’s not what some fans want.

Some of the audience wished for Daemon to take over King’s Landing and take the Iron Throne. They have been rooting for their favorite chaotic prince to come out on top. So, the idea of him letting go and dying just like that is not sitting well with everyone.

Moreover, Daemon drops the legendary line, “Winter is coming.” The phrase is enough to send chills down the spine of any Game of Thrones fan. But here, the thing is that the events he is referring to don’t happen for another 200 years and fans want him to sit on the Iron Throne once.

It also appears that Daemon is only able to see his role in the sequence of events. He is only a small part of such a long narrative that is several centuries old.

Regarding the timing of his death, viewers will still have to wait for some time. Since House of the Dragon is already confirmed for Season 3, the showrunners might want to retain Matt Smith for as long as possible as per the popularity of the character.

Daenerys Connection and the Prince That Was Promised

Daemon Targaryen's vision in House of the Dragon Season 2
Daemon Targaryen’s vision in House of the Dragon Season 2 | Credit: HBO Entertainment

Daenerys’ vision is not just a cool Easter egg for Game of Thrones fans, it might be a game-changer for the whole story.

Daemon’s vision showed a woman with three baby dragons in a desert, which is a reference to Daenerys Targaryen’s iconic moment from Game of Thrones. This vision seems to support the theory that Daenerys was the prince that was promised right from the start, not Jon Snow.

‘The prince that was promised’ prophecy has been a big deal in both shows. However, in Game of Thrones, it was never clear who this hero was supposed to be. But House of the Dragon is making a strong case for Daenerys.

This prophecy relates to the dream that Aegon the Conqueror had, which has played quite a significant role in House of the Dragon. It is all about uniting against a threat from the North, the White Walkers.

Although some fans may be upset with Daemon’s vision, it may be leading to something larger at this level. At the same time, House of the Dragon is going with the original source with his storyline and bridging House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones properly.

House of the Dragon Season 2 is now streaming on Max.

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