The director of The Suicide Squad, James Gunn, said “He just seems awful cynical,” pointing at Martin Scorsese.

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Martin Scorsese once made a remark against Marvel Studios that their films are “not cinema.” He didn’t stop there and kept on stinging some filmmakers and their fans as well.

Recently, the director of The Suicide Squad, James Gunn, was asked about the criticism of Martin Scorsese in 2019 and that of Jodie Foster in 2018. Even the Happy Sad Confused podcast host asked him whether James found it “a little exhausting sometimes to be the guy like… ‘I love you, Marty, but hear me out here?”

To this, James answered:

I just think, you know… he just seems awful cynical — that he, you know, he would keep coming out against Marvel, and then that’s the only thing that would get him to press for his movie,” Gunn replied. “So then he just kept coming out against Marvel so that he could get press for his movie. So he’s creating his movie in the shadow of the Marvel films. So he uses that to get attention for something that he wasn’t getting as much attention as he wanted for it.


Gunn also praised the director by stating and classifying Martin Scorsese as “one of the greatest filmmakers who’s ever existed.”

Gunn also said that “I love his movies. I can watch his movies with no problem. And he said a lot of things I agree with.” He said it while praising Martin Scorsese’s 2019 critiques where he aligned the sets with “theme parks” and claiming the films as “not cinema, it’s something else.”

Later, James Gunn added:

There are a lot of things that are true about what he’s said. There are many heartless, soulless, you know, spectacle films out there that don’t reflect what should be happening. I mean, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve talked to film directors before they went in and made a big movie, and said ‘Hey, we’re in this together. Let’s do something different with these big movies. Let’s make them something different than everything that’s come before ’em.’ And then see them just go and just cater to every single studio whim or what’s thought of, and just be grossed out, frankly.”

He concluded, “So… a lot of what he said was good. And then also, like he hasn’t seen my movie. He doesn’t know what my movie is, so you know it was… it was irritating.”

Gunn again cleared his position on Twitter on the controversy by appreciating Martin Scorsese’s work. But at the same time, he reiterated by claiming that he does not support the stance on superhero fare.

James Gunn tweeted:

I love & study his films & will continue to love & study his films,” Gunn wrote. “I disagree with him solely on one point: That films based on comic books are innately not cinema, that’s all.”

Check out his tweet here.

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