Jennifer Lopez Proves She’s Queen Of Superstitions, Doesn’t Hire Virgos In Dance Group Because They Are Too ‘Planned And Neat’
Because of the recent media coverage, her marriage to Ben Affleck has received, Jennifer Lopez is currently the subject of extensive online discussion. On Saturday, July 16, in Clark County, Nevada, the actor of Good Will Hunting and the singer of Waiting for Tonight exchanged vows in a private ceremony.
Even though the well-known couple had secretly wed, it was not enough for them to publicly express their love for one another. The pair then conducted a second wedding, this time at Ben Affleck’s Georgia house, where it was a large and opulent three-day affair. While the wedding is making headlines, there has been another development, and it seems that this development is not to the singer’s advantage.
Jennifer Lopez continues to make headlines

After a small, secret wedding last month, the couple planned lavish wedding festivities. Given that both Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have a personal net worth of several hundred million dollars, the wedding planning, and spending was quite elaborate. Ben Affleck’s residence in Riceboro, Georgia served as the site of Bennifer’s second wedding. The media was still talking about the couple’s wonderfully planned wedding when news came of an incident in which the On The Floor singer cold-heartedly turned down auditioning dancers due to her own superstitions.
The singer is highly superstitious

Former Glee star Heather Morris revealed during a guest appearance on the Just Sayin’ With Justin Martindale podcast that she had heard the singer of Waiting for Tonight would fire dancers based on their astrological signs. “Jennifer Lopez held an audition for dancers for one of her tours. She walks into the room, and she said, ‘Thank you so much, you guys have worked so hard. By a show of hands if there are any Virgos in the room, can you just raise your hand?’” The celeb revealed.
She continued to tell that the singer then asked all of the Virgos to leave “She looked at them, and she said, ‘Thank you so much for coming.’ And they had to leave after a full day of auditioning for Jennifer Lopez.” The singer allegedly did not pay any mind to the dancer’s hard work and made them leave after making them wait for the whole day.
J Lo. likes chaos in her life

Heather Morris stated, “This is hearsay but true. When one person says something, could be true [but] when multiple people say something … it’s like, ‘Oh, that happened.’” adding that she wasn’t present but had heard the tale from a number of other sources and telling that this makes her claims reliable. She also mentioned that it’s likely she misread the narrative and chose the incorrect astrological sign but it is highly unlikely as according to her, Virgos are “planned and neat,” while the singer enjoys “a little bit of chaos in her life.”
Source: We Got This Covered