Most years, the Super Bowl is known for its exciting games and the teams ending with the title of champion, but 2004’s Super Bowl XXXVIII was overshadowed by one of the most talked-about halftime shows in history. The legendary Janet Jackson and pop singer Justin Timberlake became entangled in the controversy that year. Joe Rogan invited American stand-up comedian Stavros Halkias on his podcast Joe Rogan Experience a few days ago, where he discussed what kind of girls the comedian is looking for.

American UFC color commentator Joe Rogan
American UFC color commentator, Joe Rogan

During their conversation, Joe Rogan remembered Janet Jackson’s infamous wardrobe malfunction, which became the hot controversy of the 2004’s Super Bowl XXXVIII.

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Joe Rogan Discussed Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl Incident

When Joe Rogan invited stand-up comedian Stavros Halkias on his podcast Joe Rogan Experience, in the middle of the conversation, Rogan stumbled upon Janet Jackson as he was discussing a restaurant with a p**yboy-themed washroom and how the management had covered up all the ni***es with tapes.

Joe Rogan during his podcast interview
Rogan during his podcast interview

Rogan said,

“Br**sts are the weirdest fu**** things. In that regard. It’s just something about showing a ni**ple. Janet Jackson did that at the Super Bowl, and people were like what the f*** is happening?”

As for the incident’s aftermath, Stavros Halkias believed Janet Jackson suffered the most. He said,

She got set up, Janet Jackson got f**ked; she is the only one who is like suffering from consequences.”

Rogan voiced his concern over showing br**st covered with star tapes and thinking it is cool now, but Rogan said it isn’t.

Rogan added,

“I remember looking it up and being like time to jack off to this well if they didn’t plan it’s highly illegal like if she didn’t know about it for sure, that’s highly illegal.”

Halkias responded, “for sure. A 100%.”

Later they saw the incident picture and discussed Janet Jackson, who became a Muslim and moved to another country after that mishap.

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Janet Jackson And Justin Timberlake Super Bowl Controversy

The wardrobe mishap that Janet Jackson had while performing with Justin Timberlake at the 2004 Super Bowl has been the subject of a documentary. To find out what really happened that night, the New York Times and FX special Malfunction: The Dressing Down of Janet Jackson examined the worlds of sports and television production.

Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake
Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake during the 2004’s Super Bowl performance

There was no doubt that Jackson was the main attraction that night, but Timberlake was the surprise guest. His surprise appearance quickly turned to shock when he infamously ripped off Jackson’s top on live television, exposing her bare br**sts to the world.

There has been much finger-pointing since the incident, which has since been referred to as “Ni**legate,” occurred in an attempt to blame those responsible for what happened. The scandal immediately ensued, Jackson’s career spiraled, and the viewers were shocked.

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Source: YouTube

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