In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you can plant afoot that firmly in the past with the aid of Time Variance Authority and He Who Remains, who is also known as Kang The Conqueror. Anyone could have figured out what role he would play with time travel and all. As far as how this will play out, we are not certain when it comes to MCU fans themselves, but there have already been some rumors circulating among comic book fans about his involvement with Loki’s next adventures which could be due sometime soon.

Comic fans are aware that Kang The Conqueror is a major antagonist in the Marvel universe. This character has popped up in an assortment of Marvel superhero comics since the 1960s. Comics support many fan theories when it comes to Kang’s life as well, but he’s already adapted for a larger audience (pardon the pun), which means there are several ways this villain could play out in future MCU films. With that being said, these are the 4 Kang theories that change everything you thought you knew about MCU –

Chronopolis: The Hidden City

Ant-Man and the Wasp
Ant-Man and the Wasp

There’s so much to love about Ant-Man And The Wasp and thankfully the screenwriters squeezed in plenty of details for eagle-eyed fans to pick out. One such tidbit – a very subtle one – came when the heroes ventured into the Quantum Realm… or did they? Some even guessed that it was the Quantum Realm where TVA was located. While that’s not the case, it is most likely Chronopolis, the temporal kingdom of Kang The Conqueror. Chronopolis exists outside of time and is essentially a giant trophy room for all of Kang’s prizes from past and future. This is a major location for some of the most important story arcs involving Kang, meaning he could well be using it yet again in the sequel.

Kang As A Variant In Quantummania

Kang the Conqueror
Kang the Conqueror

One hypothesis about the Marvel Cinematic Universe suggests that it includes more than one Kang, who could appear in Captain Marvel and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantummania. It is very unlikely that these movies will dispose of Kang as a villain, so any version of him which appears will only be a variant and not the main or ‘prime’ Kang. Moreover, Kang’s relation with the Quantum Realm echoes loud that he could become the most prominent variant, perhaps one who has been hiding out from the pruning shears of Kang the Conqueror at such a place where things like time do not exist.

Kang Could Appear In Doctor Strange 2

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness

Early rumors suggested that scenes from the upcoming Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness film would take place in the Loki In New York show but this is unlikely (the two shows are made by different production companies). The latest rumor suggests that scenes will be set after Loki’s final episode where Doctor Strange had to choose between letting his brother go or triggering the end of days. It makes sense then that he’d turn up at a later date as one of the threats facing Doctor Strange and party, and it could be used as an early opportunity to highlight how truly formidable Kang can be – perhaps he’ll appear in multiple forms or alongside other powerful villains from previous seasons such as He Who Remains and Jormungand (though both those characters don’t fit with clues gleaned from other episodes).

Kang The Conqueror Will Weaponize The TVA

He Who Remains in Loki season 1
He Who Remains in Loki season 1

In the season finale of Disney and Marvel series Loki, (spoiler alert) it’s revealed that the Time Variance Authority is not the same one as before. In place of the statues of the Time Keepers, there are now statues of comic book versions of Kang The Conqueror. While He Who Remains used this organization to prune the potential Kangs that may occur in history as well as eliminate some singularities from occurring (time travel-wise), it’s likely this organization has taken upon a more demanding stance with this particular Kang. While He Who Remains used them for their service and purpose, this particular version of the TVA is most likely taking orders from Kang himself and will be creating his version of history fashioned to his exact whims because that’s just how he operates.

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