Gotham’s last season arrived with an enormous stun on Thursday night, as the Season 5 debut saw the demise of one of the show’s more cherished, long-running characters.

As Gotham’s last season promotion ramped up these most recent few months, a lot of fans have been asking why one key character was absent from the majority of the posters and cast photographs. All things considered, the appropriate answer came today as Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) met her tragic end.

Toward the end of Season 4, Tabitha pledged she would slaughter Penguin after watching him murder Butch without a second thought. Obviously, this demonstration just occurred in light of the fact that Tabitha executed Penguin’s mom, but that was years ago. At the point when the new season started this week, Tabitha was as still determined to get revenge, in spite of the fact that Barbara figured that the planning wasn’t actually right.

At the point when a chopper conveying supplies was shot down in the city, a few distinct gatherings went to the scene of the mishap to gather. This prompted Penguin being walloped by Barbara’s Sirens, and Tabitha holding him at gunpoint.

Things worked out for Penguin on the grounds that the bullet in Tabitha’s firearm, which was made in Penguin’s manufacturing plant, fizzled when the trigger was pulled. Tabitha made her turn and it failed, so Penguin got a chance to strike. He pulled a knife from his leg brace and pulled Tabitha close.

In one of the most obliterating moments of the series, Penguin held his blade over Tabitha’s head, looked at her without flinching and stated, “Say hello to Butch for me.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Penguin stabbed Tabitha in the chest and she tumbled to the ground.

People in Gotham may have endured much more awful than a blade to the chest. We can’t overlook the end of Season 3 when Butch was shot in the head from point-clear range and still figured out how to battle through it. This feels somewhat different though. The passing of Tabitha will start a rivalry between Barbara and Penguin like nothing else ever could, and it will probably help give motivation to whatever remains of the season. As much as it stings, expect that this demise should stick.

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