The recent episode of The Flash that aired on Tuesday night primarily revolved around Barry Allen and Ralph Dibny. The characters played by Grant Gustin and Hartley Sawyer respectively, engage in a suspense-filled, exciting adventure in the vicinity of Midway City. The episode also opened the door to show a longer screen time of Harrison Well’s latest incarnation – Nash Wells.

First Appearance of Nash Wells

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Nash Wells showed up on Earth-1 at the beginning of the The Flash season 6

The debut of Nash Wells in The Flash put up quite a mysterious approach to the character. The alternative variation of Harrison Wells claimed to be a multiverse-hopping myth buster. Nash Well ultimately turned out to be on a path to approach The Monitor. “License to Elongate” depicted a team-up between Allegra and Nash Well. A surprising turn of events took turn when Wells seemed to have an emotional bond with Iris’ intern.

Wells in ‘License to Elongate’

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Kayla Compton plays Allegra Garcia in The Flash

The episode shows Nash approaching Allegra and seeking her help. The Monitor’s Central City lair had its entrance blocked by a form of Eternium, which Nash needed help identifying. As their partnership progresses, Nash eventually reveals that Allegra reminds him of someone. Turns out, this moment is pivotal, as The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace discusses its importance.

The Flash’s Eric Wallace on Nash Wells

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The Flash airs at 8/7c during Tuesdays on The CW

“That’s a really huge launching point for his story,” Wallace conveyed in a recent interview. “What Tom does so well is he’s very friendly most of the time, but this is a more abrasive character. So he’s a man of action and when he stops, looks back at someone in a caring way (not a creepy way), loving, it means something that definitely plays – and also, it’s gotta tie into what it means for ‘Crisis’, what does it mean for after ‘Crisis’.”

Source: Entertainment Weekly, Comicbook

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