Major Upgrade for Agent Liberty Revealed in Supergirl New Promo
Season 4 of Supergirl has witnessed many high profile characters getting superpowers using Harun- El, which played a significant role in the third season. The promo for the upcoming episode features Agent Liberty/Ben Lockwood shall be empowered by the same substance.
You can find Supergirl’s New Promo hee:
Agent Liberty Gets Injected With Harun-El in Supergirl

The episode titled as “Will The Real Miss Teschmacher Please Stand Up” will air in May 5. The trailer teases a fight with Eve Teschmacher, who will be able to make multiple copies of her own self. Agent Liberty is also injected with Harun-El, which previously gave Lex Luthor and James Olsen superpowers. The promo trailer feature him going against Guardian/Olsen and Dreamer/Nia Nal.
Also Read: Agent of Shield would be set in pre-Endgame era.
The forthcoming episode will deal with the fallout from plan set by Lex Luthor to frame Supergirl for the murders that took place in the White House. The heinous act was, however, was committed by Supergirl’s doppelgänger, keeping in style with Superman: Red Son where Kara took her cape off temporarily in a past episode.
Supergirl airs on May 5

Supergirl airs on Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, and stars Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers?Supergirl, David Harewood as Martian Manhunter, Mehcad Brooks as Jimmy Olsen and Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers.
Source: CBR, Geek Tyrant