In Avengers: Endgame, Black Widow regrettably gave up her life to rescue others, and Hawkeye gave her MCU death even more significance. Here’s how:

Hawkeye series gave Black Widow's MCU death even more significance
Hawkeye series gave Black Widow’s MCU death even more significance

In Avengers: Endgame, Black Widow tragically gave up her life to rescue others, and Hawkeye gave her Marvel Cinematic Universe death even more significance. Clint Barton’s holiday preparations with his children are disrupted in Hawkeye when Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) assumes his old Ronin disguise while fighting crooks. Now that Ronin’s former foes are on Bishop’s tail, Hawkeye decides to step in and solve the problem. However, his plan fails miserably. After Hawkeye allows the Tracksuit Mafia to kidnap him in order to clear Bishop’s name, Bishop attempts an ill-advised rescue, becoming entangled in the process. As Ronin, Hawkeye resurrects Clint Barton’s dark past. After Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) lethal finger snap destroyed his family in Avengers: Infinity War, Barton assumed the Ronin identity and vented his rage on the criminals who managed to escape the snap. In his vicious assassination of numerous villains, Ronin made some new enemies in the process. Maya Lopez (Alaqua Cox), a Tracksuit Mafia boss and talented fighter, is one of their foes. Ronin murdered her father during a prior raid on the Tracksuit Mafia, and Lopez is out for vengeance.

Hawkeye pays tribute to Black Widow’s (Scarlett Johansson) death while being taken hostage by the Tracksuit Mafia:

In Hawkeye Season 1 Episode 3 Clint told that Black Widow killed Ronin
While being held captive by the Tracksuit Mafia Clint tells that Black Widow killed Ronin giving her sacrifice new meaning

Hawkeye pays homage to Black Widow’s (Scarlett Johansson) death while being held hostage by the Tracksuit Mafia. Through an interpreter in Hawkeye Episode 3, Lopez, who is Deaf and communicates through American Sign Language, questions Barton about Ronin. Barton tries to persuade Lopez that Bishop has nothing to do with Ronin and that the masked vigilante is no longer alive, but the Tracksuit Mafia leader is not convinced. When she asks who murdered Ronin, he responds, “Black Widow.” Lopez is aware that Barton is lying, but the situation lends additional significance to Black Widow’s sacrifice. The scenario indicates that Ronin’s heroic death was the result of Black Widow’s heroic death. In Endgame, Black Widow tracks down Hawkeye/Ronin after he has finished eliminating Yakuza members. There, she gives him optimism that the Avengers will be able to undo Thanos’ snap. Hawkeye moves on from Ronin as a result of Black Widow, putting his unsettling past in the past. She then rescued his life once again by sacrificing herself to Vormir in exchange for the Soul Stone. Hawkeye could never go back to becoming Ronin after Black Widow sacrificed her life to help the Avengers fight Thanos. By claiming that Black Widow murdered Ronin, Hawkeye honors his friend’s sad sacrifice.

Hawkeye’s Black Widow resemblance:

When Black Widow sacrificed her life in Endgame, her death ended Ronin
When Black Widow sacrificed her life in Endgame, her heroic death ended Ronin

Hawkeye’s tradition of paying respect to the Black Widow continues. Barton accompanied his family to watch Rogers: The Musical, a Captain America-themed Broadway production, before the Hawkeye premiere. In the crowd, he recognized a young girl who reminded him of Black Widow. Hawkeye is likewise impacted by an actress playing Black Widow on stage, and he quits the theatre when the situation gets too much for him. The Hawkeye moments demonstrate why Black Widow’s death in Avengers: Endgame was far from the end of her MCU narrative. On Disney+, new episodes of Hawkeye are released every Wednesday.

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