Fans who come across their nearest comic book stores on Wednesday will have a surprise awaiting them, courtesy of Marvel comics. The publisher has sneakily hidden a teaser for something called “Marvel Made,” with its unveiling slated for an unspecified date this month.

Marvel Made Logo :

marvel Made surprise
The mysterious logo released

The image of the above teaser features a red cloth laying over what appears to be a table or another kind of flat surface. The front of the cloth has the “Marvel Made” logo printed on it, with the words “Unveiling February 2020” found on the bottom of the teaser.

Mysterious Thriller :

Empyre marvel
Thriller Empyre marvel

Of course, there is an infinite number of possibilities for what the teaser is attempting to bringing up. The first assumption is this has to do with an upcoming comic announcement, perhaps a new series or upcoming blockbuster event. Marvel is already promoting its spring/early summer event, Empyre, that brings the Avengers and Fantastic Four together to thwart an invasion from the united Kree and Skrull empires.

An alternate possibility :

marvel avengers vedio game
Alternate possibility of release of new marvel video game

There also exists an alternate possibility that its an announcement for a non-comic property. there is also a new marvel avengers video game due this coming year. fans won’t have to wait long until the surprise is out.

Marvel’s Avengers: A-Day | Official Trailer E3 2019

source: It’s covered from 

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