Marvel Studios Has Already Made Fans Disappointed with Marvel Zombies Show!
The news of a Marvel Zombies series is absolutely exciting for Marvel fans but the show has already disappointed quite a few of them. The same was revealed as a new series coming to Disney Plus, Marvel Zombies could serve as a continuation of the story that had begun in the first season of Marvel’s What If…? which revealed a world that was infected by the undead. But it already feels like the upcoming zombie series could have much more potential.
The series was revealed during Marvel Studios’ Disney Plus Day 2021 feature among a plethora of new and previously announced MCU content coming to the streaming platform within the next few years.
As per Marvel Studios’ social media outlets, the zombie feature will be an animated original series, there is no doubt coming off the feels of What If..?’s episode which featured the Marvel undead and surviving heroes like Wasp, Hulk, Winter Soldier, and Spider-Man and others trying to find a cure without being eaten themselves. But the disappointing mistake for this series lies with the way it is going to be depicted.

What If…?’s zombie episode was fun within the greater animated series and it explored different alternate worlds in the multiverse and a dedicated Marvel Zombies series could have actually been a massive opportunity to do a live-action depiction of one of Marvel’s most beloved and alternate universe concepts.
But of course, there is something to be said for the cost and the potential difficulty of bringing so many heroes together in a much larger and live-action setting (undead or otherwise), it still feels like it would be quite disappointing to see that the series is all set to be animated.
The concept of an undead zombie Iron Man (which was very similar to what we had seen in Spider-Man: Far From Home), would simply be much more dynamic as a live-action rendition over an animated series.

Now since it is all set to be an animated series instead of a much-expected live-action one, the Marvel Zombies would be requiring Marvel Studios to do something which would be fresh as well as extremely unique in order to avoid feelings of redundancy. There no surprise that the same could take the form of a new animation style, as opposed to what was seen back in What If…?, and the new Marvel Zombies could possibly also serve as a brand new story and approach to Marvel’s undead.

While it has not yet been confirmed if the new series will be continuing the narrative threads of What If…?’s Marvel Zombies episode as a sequel, it might be better if it is not!!!
Marvel Studios could actually create a brand new tale with much greater creative freedom.
Also, it does make sense that Marvel Studios is going the animated route for Marvel Zombies, they will still have to battle to overcome the disappointment that the show won’t be live-action.
It surely will be exciting to see what the series would look like but it’s still hard to not imagine how amazing it could have been had it had been a live-action series on Marvel Zombies.