Marvel dropped the trailer for WandaVision a few days ago, and we have all been trying to take every single scene apart to understand what exactly we have to look forward to with this new Disney+ show.

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The show is a new take on altered reality, which is different from what we had all expected – Wanda rewriting all of reality to get Vision back. Instead she seems to have created a kind of “bubble” in and around the town of Westview.

There are a few old as well as new faces joining the Marvel show– like Kat Denning’s Darcy Lewis and Randall Park’s Agent Woo, who will be returning to the fold. Also, Teyonah Parris’ Monica Rambeau will be joining the cast. Even if we haven’t seen Parris’ version yet, the audience has already met Rambeau in Captain Marvel, although the character was then played by Akira Akbar.


S.W.O.R.D. :

Both women – Lewis and Rambeau, seem to be working for SWORD – the Sentient World Observation and Response Department. The new and improved intelligence agency, that was famously described as making SHIELD look like the Boy Scouts.

Initially SWORD was the space-based counterpart for SHIELD itself, but after Nick Fury’s departure from SHIELD, SWORD started doing their own thing, led by Special Agent Abigail Brand – a woman who will bend or break any rule to protect Earth.

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Set photographs have just affirmed WandaVision will acquaint a replacement for SHIELD with SWORD – an agency that in the comics manages matters of international diplomacy. They are regularly associated with missions and events that endanger planet Earth or its existence, and in general, won’t be too bothered about inquiries of ethics or morality.

Given that Scarlet Witch seems to have warped reality, SWORD might be working on containing the situation. Just like when Mjolnir fell on Earth and SHIELD had sealed off the area, SWORD seems to be doing the same with the point of ground zero here – the town of Westview.

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Dennings’ Darcy Lewis is probably an administrator in SWORD, as the character was set up for this role in Brandon T. Snider’s MCU tie-in novel The Cosmic Quest Volume II: Aftermath, while Teyonah Parris’ Monica Rambeau appears to be a field agent.

The MCU has basically been on halt for a while now, what with the Covid-19 pandemic running rampant around the world. Yet, Disney has recently affirmed the WandaVision show will surely be released in December 2020, along with dropping the new trailer.

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Monica Rambeau :

In the trailer we see Rambeau getting hit by a force field that Wanda had set around the town of Westview and her eyes flash with power. In the comics, Monica goes on to be a superhero herself, going by the names of Photon or Pulsar. But most notably, Rambeau also goes on to become the second Captain Marvel after the Kree alien named Mar-Vell.

In the MCU however, Monica Rambeau is shown to be the daughter of Carol Danvers’ best friend. And we might just be seeing the future Captain Marvel in action for the first time with this new Disney+ show. Maybe Scarlet Witch’s powers will be the key to get Monica her powers in the MCU. How much of that actually turns out to be true, only time will tell!

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Given that SWORD are an altogether independent agency devoted entirely to extraterrestrial dangers, it is a little disconcerting to see them in action in this ‘domestic’ scenario. On the other hand, it could very well be that there’s another component at play in WandaVision, up ’til now disguised by the trailers; an alien presence that is interacting with Scarlet Witch’s own powers.

For all our questions, we will have to wait until December, when the show is released on Disney+. Until then lets watch the trailers some more, and try to figure out if there are any more hidden Easter eggs waiting for us to find them!

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