Marvel’s What If…? season 1 showed how strong and powerful magic could be. As a result, it discovered the strongest power that has no equal in the MCU.

The Infinity Gauntlet
The Infinity Gauntlet

Is It The Infinity Gauntlet?

The current Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 is growing rapidly with new shows, stories, and films. As a result, the scalability of powers and abilities is also growing significantly. In the first-ever animated series of Marvel, What If…?, the plot showcased an interesting shift in terms of power scales. Previously, it was Infinity Gauntlet that was considered the strongest one in the MCU, but after the recent release, What If…?, it is clear that the magic is something else than just a title.

Thanos wearing all the Infinity Stones
Thanos wearing all the Infinity Stones

Before Marvel’s What If…? it was Infinity Gauntlet that was positioned as the strongest MCU power that could allow anyone to wield the foundation of all of the reality. But after the release of Marvel and Disney+ series, Loki, the Infinity Stones were proved to be only effective in their respective universes. However, when Infinity Ultron showed up, the rules changed again. Apparently, this continuity error has made fans confused about how exactly the Stones work.

The Strongest Power In The MCU

While the exact potential of the stones is yet to get discovered, the one constant power that has evolved rapidly is magic. Previously, magic was used to fix reality or to help people travel across realities to witness the past or future. While these abilities are more than just powerful, What If…? introduced a new capability of magic, thanks to Doctor Strange.

What If…? season 1 is now streaming on Disney+.
What If…? season 1 is now streaming on Disney+.

In a timeline where Strange loses his love interest, he travels across time to learn every single bit of magic. While doing so, his mind and body end up getting corrupted by dark magic. As a result, he not only becomes a negative version of himself but his power also aids an ability to destroy his reality. That is why the Watcher recruits him when Ultron arrives in the Multiverse.

With that said, What If…? season 1 is now streaming on Disney+.

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