Marvel’s What If…? introduced a Loki variant who is seen partying with Thor on Earth. He also got featured as one of the Easter eggs in Marvel and Disney+ series Loki.


Marvel’s What If…? brought a cool Easter egg from the Marvel and Disney+ series Loki. In What If…? episode 7, an alternate Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline is revealed where Thor is the only child. As a result, he never had Loki as his brother. Thus, the God of Thunder has become Party Thor who brings his friends to Earth and parties with them. This alternate timeline has its own version of Loki who grew up without Thor and it is perhaps possible that he was the one who got featured as one of the Lokis that the TVA (Time Variance Authority) was hunting in Loki.

Additionally, episode 7 of What If…? revealed that Odin returned Loki to the Frost Giant King Laufey instead of adopting him. This made Thor grow up all alone, making the God of Thunder much more rambunctious and unruly. That is how Thor became the self-proclaimed ‘Party Thor’. However, the same episode revealed that Party Thor and Loki are best friends who call themselves “brothers from another mother,” which they are in the sacred MCU timeline. Apparently, this Frost Giant version of Loki has been already seen in Marvel and Disney+ series, Loki.

In Marvel and Disney+ series, Loki episode 2, a primary Loki variant could be seen working with Agent Mobius who is about to leave for their first mission to find the variant who’s been killing the TVA agents. However, before the team departs, Mobius prepares the team by telling them who they are looking for. During the prep talk, Mobius explains how Lokis work and how the agents should guard themselves around these trickster variants. During the same talk, Mobius shows several holographic images of Loki variants that they have cataloged and one, in particular, could be spotted as a Loki with blue skin. This variant resembles right with the Frost Giant Loki from Marvel’s What If…?.


Beyond his relation with the Loki, the Frost Giant Loki from What If…? redeems Odin’s lie about the percentage. As Loki’s Frost Giant variant was not a simple Easter egg, it’d be intriguing to discover What If…?’s Loki and what he does while interacting with Party Thor as best buddies. This could even confirm whether or not they have a kinship in this alternate timeline as they had in the main MCU timeline and will simultaneously reflect on their rivalry as well.

While the variant teased by the TVA and the one partying with Thor in What If…? could also be two different Lokis, the version still pays off providing more detailed background about the Easter egg. With that said, it also confirms one thing that Odin tells the truth and leaves Loki to live with the Frost Giants as it was best for the God of Mischief, as evident from the new Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline.

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